A new challenge...
Jason Arends
Lucky Stiff
Jun-19-2012 20:57
People of Sleuthville, lend me your ears!
I call out now to all you tomb-raiders and treasure seekers! To those who love the thrill of a good treasure hunt!
In the spirit of friendly competition i propose a challenge.
This challenge will require 10 adventurous detectives to be split onto 2 Teams, each team consisting of 5 members, in 2 newly made Agencies of my own making in NY.
These two agencies will compete against each other in Treasure Hunts.
The first team to get their agency to 7,000 Fame wins:
$200,000 Prize to be split among the team evenly.
(Working out to $40,000 a piece for each teammate...not too shabby huh?)
Also each team after the contest ends will vote amongst themselves on who alone among their team was MVP (someone who went above and beyond, did a really excellent job, etc) The MVP's from Both teams will win a 3 month gift subscription from me personally.
You also win bragging rights and honor for your home agencies on being an awesome treasure hunter.
Whether your team chooses single or multi-city hunt strategy is entirely up to you.
Obviously this competition will run for a while, (I'm venturing a guess at anywhere between 2 weeks to a month depending on how luck smiles on you or how good you and your teammates are).
It goes without saying that you would be required to resign temporarily from whatever agency you are currently in to join my competing agencies for the contest. You are allowed to enter an alternate detective if you wish if you're too attached to have your main detective leave your agency, and the only rules are:
1) Absolutely NO Password Sharing.
2) Only one entry per contestant
3) Have fun.
I want to know who among you treasure hunters really has what it takes to come together and co-ordinate as a team to truly be the best.
Replies |
Eden Zweig
Jul-17-2012 13:13
So Biggie
the other complaint you were talking about was only there to appreciate the pov that Sleuth couldn't proceed otherwise, these things had to happen.
So just because I said I didn't agree with it, and just because I said Sleuth multiple accounts and the number of cases one can solve doesn't seem to be fair, you are telling me that I am complaining.
Well that second complaint was made by you mods before in barchat.
Would you like me to remind when?
I am absolutely sick of this.
Lucky Stiff
Jul-17-2012 13:15
I'm not a mod Eden. Chat mod isn't the same thing.
I'd love to actually TALK to you about it, I am in chat if you want to discuss. Because clearly something isn't translating here.
Adam Carter
Big Winner
Jul-17-2012 13:27
I'm not sure that I'm happy that my agency is being dragged into this, so please let me set the records straight on a few matters:
Al-Q opened that hunt before the contest started. We were 2 favours in when the raiders opened it. By good fortune, the raiders got ahead of us. When the hunt hit NY, I used the 18 cases I had stored in my apartment to get the last favours we needed before Nicnic opened the safe.
Ms Helen (the detective) spent the duration of that hunt in Shanghai, doing editorial duties. It was discussed between the Directors of Al-Q, and she decided not to be involved in the hunt (even though she had every right to be). We even went so far into this that I did all my own cases this morning, and Helen very kindly took care of all the jobs I *should* have been doing before I left for work, so I could get it done.
She played no part in winning that treasure. Nobody asked us to join that hunt, and I was the one who decided it would be funny to see if we (meaning the remaining Al-Q members) could beat a team of assembled "super sleuths" at the thing they were trying to be best at.
Biggie made her post because she thought Beef was being serious. She wanted to put an end to things before they started. Helen was upset that she had been accused of playing dirty when she had no hand in the affairs. Beef apologised, and everything was fine, until this.
And, one last thing. We don't care who you are, or where you are from, but when you step into OUR back yard to play, expect to get bitten ;) If we choose to join a hunt, we shall, and if we beat you, well, that's just a shame ain't it?
Battered Shoe
Jul-17-2012 13:30
What the heck is going on up in here? OK I am a mod, and would urge everyone to please keep it civil and remember this is just a contest in an online detective game :-)
Second of all, I have no idea what this is all about. I think Beefy was joking and just trash talking earlier. HOWEVER, if someone in this contest does not like the fact that my agency is THing while it's going on (which by the way I didn't sign up for the contest) well then all I have to say is tough patooties. Unless someone is going to volunteer to pay my agency bills for the next however many weeks this thing goes on. I am not in this contest, I made no commitment to anyone, and I am going to run this agency as I normally do, a big part of which is THing - as I'm sure the rest of the agencies in the Sleuth world are going to. There are 12 people in my agency and only one of them has joined this thing, using an alt. 11 of us have not agreed to put our Sleuth lives on hold because someone came up with a contest that we decided not to participate in.
I *think* maybe that's what is being discussed here? Not sure. But just wanted to clear that up :-)
Jason Arends
Lucky Stiff
Jul-17-2012 13:54
*Ah hem*
As the host of this contest if like to say a few things and I'll remain impartial while I do. First things first id be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed. I am. It sounds like some people are forgetting the entire point of this contest, which was to make new friends and cement old friendships. To come OUT of your respective agencies and work together facing something fun and challenging. I don't mind trash talk it is both encouraged and expected but let's not forget the real goal here people its something new and fun and if feelings are getting hurt then I'm not happy. Let's keep this a FRIENDLY competition please. Secondly I've been noth ng but clear on only five "rules" which really are only enforced by the honor code. Outside agencies are not expected to sit out on treasure hunting in fact I encourage it.
I hope this clears things up. And again I'm not taking sides or naming names. I remain impartial and just a little disappointed over this. That is all.
Battered Shoe
Jul-17-2012 14:03
Jason, even if there was a "rule" that all other agencies in all of Sleuthville agreed to stop THing for a few weeks, I am quite sure me and a few dozen other paying members of the community didn't sign up for that and wouldn't take too kindly to that being somehow imposed on us from some message board contest we didn't sign up for.
I'm going to wait until I settle down until I post anything more about this. But my best Sleuth friend is really upset about being called a liar and a cheater which in turn makes me really errr... upset, so I will go cook dinner and simmer down before I look at this again so as to not say something inappropriate.
Con Artist
Jul-17-2012 14:28
Ok, I'm not in the contest, but I would still like to weigh in. Entering into this contest, it was made clear (if you read the entire thread) that other, non-competing agencies would be allowed to hunt. There is no real reason they shouldn't be allowed to in my humble opinion. If someone wasn't happy with this fact, that person should not have signed up for the contest, or should have voiced their opinion and hope to persuade others to it. If it failed, then they should have either accepted that other agencies could interfere with their progress in the hunt, or withdrawn. To know the 'rules' before joining, not agreeing with them, joining anyway, and then complaining (whining, bitching, whatever word you want to use) that they lost a hunt is ridiculous. That said, good luck to everyone!
Jul-17-2012 14:43
(Also not in the contest, but want to have a small saying) - this "accident, as I like to call it, should instead give you the power to try harder and better. Treasure hunts have been around Sleuth Noir for a while and have always been fun. This is since a long time that I've seen a treasure hunt contest, and yes, it's possible that agencies / other people that don't participate in the contest, might pick up the same treasure request and try to solve it.
That being said, I wish all thee good luck and again - this "loss" should've given you something positive, not something negative...
Battered Shoe
Jul-17-2012 14:46
OK. I think I calmed down.
That being said, when I heard about all of this nonsense, I resolved to go after and try to win every single hunt that The Raiders opened, which is well within my rights as a paying member of the community and a director of an agency I have poured well over $1 million of my own money into. However, out of respect for Ms Helen (you know the one being called a liar and a cheater here) we are not going to do that. She asked me to be the bigger person, as she is often the bigger person than I, and I will respect her wishes.
That being said.... Instead of throwing wild accusations around claiming inappropriateness, I highly suggest you evaluate your THing strategy. I currently have 2 agents on vacation, one that has gone MIA for several days, one that is so new they have to quit every favor they try (that would be my boyfriend), Ms Helen who hasn't been playing because she is working on editing SMs, and 2 others that didn't even participate in the hunt (I'm not sure if they were even online yesterday). Only two people in the whole agency worked on that hunt (which was me and Adam Carter with our two alts - Coco and Miss Chloe). So maybe you need to rethink what you are doing instead of accusing us of cheating. Jus' sayin'
And for future reference, if a TH opens in London, we are going to open it and try as hard as we can to win it. Just so there are no surprises in the future, although I am unsure why I have to state that and that would not be common sense.
Safety Officer
Jul-17-2012 14:55
Oh my!! I'm reading the noir boards not shades right. :)
Choke on a couple of hunts and you all go to water?! And it's only day 3...
'a red kazoo can leave you quite blue when blown in an improper way' .
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