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Contest: Character Biography
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Joey "Bulldog" Bane
Washed Up Punter

Feb-8-2012 06:22

I’ve chosen this place to announce the contest because I feel it’s the most visited, even though it would’ve probably fit better in the RP section.

Anyway, even though I’m quite sure this has been done before, I see no trouble in doing it again. So here’s the thing:

I’m quite positive one of the components of Sleuth Noir that draws people to poke their noses around here is the Noir theme. In my view being in Sleuth Noir is something that you do late in the evening in a large armchair in front of a burning chimney…well, if you feel like somethin’ else is burning please check your socks. What I’m tryin’ to say here is that one of the things we all like is the atmosphere.

Now, I do feel like…an’ I ain’t gonna be apologizing if ya’ feel different…like this atmosphere isn’t really supported by the players. Many times I’ve opened some high roller’s character sheet only to read his/her general achievements and admire his/her shoes. Don’t get me wrong, I do appreciate other people achievements and taste in shoes…sort of…but I’d really like to see some color on those player characters, and trust me: “north of the bank”, “waitress” or “none” ain’t givin’ no color to nothin’ when written under the biography section.

So here it goes: I will award a 2 month subscription to the player with the best biography that registers for the contest. The results will be given 2 weeks from now…February 22 this year, that is.

How to participate: shout in here that you’re game and then fill up the biography section in your character’s description. I’ll read it…someday.

Who can participate? Well…anyone.

Who will be the jury?...ME! And…if anyone else offers…hmmm…maybe I’ll ask some people to throw an opinion, but I ain’t gonna tell ya’ who’s who, so keep those bribes for Shady.

Now…one piece of advice: try to make those bios a little more vivid and keep’em within the game’s theme.

If there are any questions…I’ll be happy to postpone them…Jokin’ere, I’ll answer t


Night Queen
Night Queen
Old Shoe

Feb-23-2012 06:53

I think all of you misunderstand. I was NOT trying to exact any kind of revenge. Also, I am not so stupid as to know I cannot read all the pages of this thread. Yes, I read every page and every entry on this thread. I also made no reference to secret entries.

But it is very naive to think posts in this thread were the only entries. When I ran the AVH contest last month, most of the entries were by pm. So I took the time to post all entries for everyone to see. I am amazed there were zero pm entries in this contest.

Please do not confuse my attempts to get clarification as negative criticism. Not one of my posts disparaged any of the judges, nor did any of my posts criticize the selection of the winner.

But there is certainly room for criticism on your response to me. My requests should have been quite simple to fulfill. You could have chosen a road of transparency. Instead, you chose a road that escalated the appearance of darkness and crookedness.

So while I laud your wonderful contest, I do criticize your decision to slam doors of transparency.

Joey "Bulldog" Bane
Washed Up Punter

Feb-23-2012 08:09

Well now..our winner has finally resurfaced. You have my official congrats, little lady!

Lady Zeugirdor
Lady Zeugirdor
Pinball Amateur

Feb-23-2012 13:03

Congrats to Ivy Spini! Nice Bio, my dear.

Safety Officer

Feb-25-2012 01:09

Congrat's Ivy,

I can't describe scratching my nose in under 1000 words, so I admire people who can tell a story concisely, clearly and cleverly.

Nice Work.

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