Dec-21-2004 19:58
I write poems as a hobbie. I wondered if anybody else here did. If any1 wants to hear any of my poems just ask.
Replies |
Dec-21-2004 21:48
lol! There are a lot of us that get that way! :) Jojo has been asking for a support group, vaccine, anything that would help! :)
Old Shoe
Dec-21-2004 21:54
"My name's Jojo."
"Hi Jojo!"
Soon we'll all need consoling!
Dec-21-2004 21:54
Maybe a sitin would help! lol but the sat thing is, i'm only like 3 days old here. I've been on before though. like 6 months ago, i think. i lost my old name and stuff. I use to suck at the games on this site but once i can back, i've one all the games i've played. maybe its because i practiced with my nacey drew games and im older now. or maybe i just was stupid then lol
Dec-21-2004 21:55
Dec-21-2004 21:56
sad* so many mistakes!
Dec-21-2004 21:56
Dec-21-2004 21:57
Dec-21-2004 21:58
My name is CFM and I'm a Sleuth addict.
It took me what seemed like ages to figure this place out. :) Thankfully, I found Shady before I lost my detective. :) Now, I can't leave.
Dec-21-2004 22:00
You know what i think this place is like a drug! once you take it, your always coming bake for more. eather that, or its like a pretty girl. lol
Dec-21-2004 22:13
Ok you guys, heres your lesson for the day. Never tell your mom your bored. Its a big mistake! My mom just came home i said i was bored and shes all "then you can clean" So now if i don't clean, for weeks she'll say i promised i'd clean. AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGG!!!