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Sleuthetania Timetable
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Lolita Marinez
Lolita Marinez
Sleuth About Town

Jun-17-2009 16:51

*scratching head

I was up at 5.30am this morning and I was still aboard the ship. Wasn't feeling well so just did a quick scan of the message boards thinking I could do my cases a little later today.

I had mistakenly assumed I still had a few hours aboard to finish those cases and favours, aiming for a look at the cargo hold but now I find that the days are timed different aboard the ship. Is there a definite timetable somewhere that will tell me what times the ship leaves and docks because I just thought it went on the same clock as the game server?


Joseph Zeo
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner

Jun-20-2009 14:25

Hm, happy to know there's another Wheel of Time fan out there. So glad the next one is finally coming out (i've waited 4 years! FOUR years!!)(notice there'll be a switch of author too....)

I've been on banana boats. yeah, ship under full sail would be brutal on your face.... cannot... breathe....

I've haven't yet visited the Sleuthetania yet. It shall be my final frontier :-P

Old Shoe

Jun-20-2009 14:51

Was thinking more about the Sea Folk women's clothing... Don't mind hanging upside down as long as I can have that to look at...

Anais Nin
Anais Nin

Jun-20-2009 20:37

... Nice, Shadows. There are what? 12 books? And I'm half-way thru the second? *sigh* Good thing I love to read!

I wish the ship would at least give you warning before you are booted. :P Makes it hard sometimes when you are writing a SM for it and it kicks you off when you think you have a few more hours to test things. Ah well.

Lolita Marinez
Lolita Marinez
Sleuth About Town

Jun-20-2009 21:24

Trust you Shadows. LOL. That part didn't even occur to me. Now no more spoilers so Anais can keep reading in peace.

Joseph I only just found them about a year ago at the library and a few months ago I managed to get the complete set for less than half price at a book exchange. I am reading 11 at the moment. Great that they are finally finishing the series for us after R.J died. I also have a signed copy of #8 paperback :-)

Joseph Zeo
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner

Jun-21-2009 09:00

Cool. If someone have a signed copy of vol. 1-11 that must worth a fortune now!

The time when RJ died i was in Dubai, so i didn't even know that he was dead. Have been waiting the past two years for a dead writer for his next book, silly me. I'm so glad Brandon Sanderson is taking over. Never read his work, but if he does a good job he will inherit all RJ's fans. I've already thinking about reading his Mistborn Trilogy.

Anais and Lolita you gals are lucky to find out about Robert Jordan only recently. I have been reading since he finished writing book 4. That was... 1992! I thought back then, that at the rate of writing one book a year, he'd finish by 1998....(back then he planned to finish it by Book 10) I couldn't believe i'll have to wait like 2 decades to finish a series...

Old Shoe

Jun-21-2009 15:02

I bet I could be a good Master of the Blades...

Lolita Marinez
Lolita Marinez
Sleuth About Town

Jun-21-2009 15:48

You think Shadows. I want to join the Illuminators Guild! Whiz Bang Pop! LOL

Lolita Marinez
Lolita Marinez
Sleuth About Town

Jun-21-2009 15:58

Joseph, I haven't read any Sanderson so I have no idea of his work. I would think it would be hard to write someone else's work though. I guess we will just have to wait and see. I know when Virginia Andrews died and someone else started writing her books they changed a lot.

Safety Officer

Jun-21-2009 17:32

lol sorry I have to comment... I started reading Wheel of time when it first came out, I still have the original paperback from 1990? and I gave up about oh 6 books in when I got sick of waiting for Robert Jordan to write the next one. Now I've started again nearly *cough* 20 years later and the first book seems better than what I remember. That's probably a good sign. I notice Brandon Sanderson has a touch of the Paolini's not being able to finish in one book but instead splitting the final WoT book into two.

Joseph Zeo
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner

Jun-21-2009 18:32

I believe Sanderson's splitting the Memory of Light into THREE books! I think it's a good thing for him and us though (as long as he can keep it at 1-2 year per book, AND finish it within 3 books), otherwise the story will only get rushed. It does take time for a new writer to get into the old story. Personally i think Jordan's style was too descriptive and unnecessarily lengthy (especially for book #6-10), so i do look forward to seeing a new writer at it... (only that he's making it longer than Jordan intended...LOL.)

For me, weird that I'm drawn to Mat's character. Rolling dices and getting lucky (not that I've been lucky in my AVH lately.... 21 repeated clues to find a townie!!!!). Hey, I bet I can sleep in my shirt and play poker all night!!

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