^<V Game!
Agent Andrew
Sep-3-2006 01:42
The rules are quite simple...
^ Say something about the previous sleuth.
< Say something about yourself.
V Make a prediction about the next sleuth.
Replies |
Nov-29-2006 01:00
^ owns EVERY David Hasselhoff CD
< once saw David Hasselhoff perform in a TV production of "Jekyll & Hyde"
v has NEVER heard of David Hasselhoff
Nov-29-2006 14:37
David Hasselhoff??? who is that again!! hee hee
^ should be worshiped for the work he's done on AVL.
< hate the word DIET.... mainly because she is on one. :)
v sings "The Eye of The Tiger" whenever he/she sees a set of stairs.
Dec-2-2006 17:52
hee hee hee... funny thing... i do think of that song everytime i see a set of stairs..
^is totally awesome because that is me!!
<Has finally written her bio. SO GO AND READ IT!!!
v finds humor in everyday events
Dec-2-2006 17:56
^ can make everyday events humorous
< needs to just break down and buy a new computer
V will wonder what cfm stands for
Dec-3-2006 09:24
cfm??? Hmmmm... LOL well i won't post what i was thinking seein as this is a Pg 13 site.
^ is supper sweet and kicks sleuthie butt!!
< LOVES smarties candies... hee hee i guess i am what i eat!!! I am SMRT!!
v carries mouthwash with them everywhere.
Lord of Llamas
Dec-5-2006 16:07
^enjoys drinking mouthwash
<unfortunately knows too many of the words to "the phantom of the opera","the producers",and especially"monty python and the holy grail"
venjoys cultivating shrubberies.
Dec-7-2006 08:48
^ runs around with Sara... need i say more.
< i have green eyes
v will have blue eyes.
Old Shoe
Dec-11-2006 02:44
^needs to stop trying to pass off blueberry eye-thing as her natural eye colour
< has mood eyes, like a mood ring. They go blue when my mood is "AUGH SOME FOOL IS STRANGLING ME" at other times they revert to their natural hazel.
V likes reruns of Beverly hills 90210
Lord of Llamas
Dec-12-2006 12:18
^ is being strangled...and likes it
< wishes he could be strangled by crunchpatty
v is an orange
Old Shoe
Dec-13-2006 02:15
^is grinning despite the double-scary strangulation. By me.
<is AN orange...not THE orange, but for sure, AN orange. With citrus power and stuff.
V is worth more than thirty cents. (if fitty cent is on these boards and answers that one...yeah see Serges 'signs of armageddon' thing :P )