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Religious Facts
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Colonel Shanty
Colonel Shanty

May-27-2005 14:58

Did you know that . . . . ? I am posting facts about religious people and saints. Why don't you? Share some. This could be a great discussion on popes, nuns, saints etc.



Aug-6-2005 22:10

I am one Jehovah's Witnesses and I just want to say thank you to those of you here who are respectful of my religion. :)

William H Welch
William H Welch

Aug-7-2005 20:28

i respect every ones choice and path so long as they respect mine the only ppl i can not, and refuse to try to deal with are the ones who continue to plauge me about THERE belifes....who are they that makes them, and there belifes system unflawed....I beive in God and his teachings..but as far as org. religion gos... there are to many "fallowers" of God.. arguing over whos God is the "right" God and that just turns me off to the whole thing .... judge ye not less ye be judged... no man has the right to tell me that because i dont belive in what he dose im doomed to hells damnation *count this for what u will maybe its just my sleepless ranting*

P. Rockwell
P. Rockwell

Aug-7-2005 23:45

lol! Respect for each other is way important. But we still need to move to the next step and try to understand each other. That mean taking that long road of listen and trying to understand why those ideas work for them. Its way hard to do but thats when I've found good friends and good partners against common evils and for common goods.

and Blaise the drummer! What style do you compose? Jazz, Funk, where does your ear take you?

Blaise Joshua
Blaise Joshua

Aug-8-2005 01:38

Umm ... I wouldn't really know how to class my music. In Britain, if I had an album (and I don't!), it would be in the 'Rock/Pop' section in HMV, which really doesn't say anything.

At a recent gig at which I performed some of my own songs, two people said they thought my quirkiness was a bit like Joe Jackson (of the 'Is She Really Going Out With Him?' fame), which I took as a huge compliment : o )

Regarding religious zealots, in truth I've never come across any. Where I live, there are quite active congregations of Mormons, Jehovah's Witness es and Born Again Christians, all of whom conduct a fairly active ministry, but none of whom have I ever found aggressive or intrusive. I don't understand the "I use this trick to get rid of Jehovah's Witnesses / Mormons" mentality - if you don't want to talk to them, why not just say "I'm sorry, but I don't want to discuss religion right now." Seems fairly obvious really : o )


Aug-8-2005 03:34

I personally applaud anyone who uses religious beliefs to be a better person. And it doesn't matter what religion.

However, they should not knock on my door assuming I need conversion, if I need you I will come find you.

Blowing up subways, or provide food to the starving in exchange for their conversion. Are out of the question as well.

Personally I believe that the combined energy of many, can change the world. But only when it is constructively used in form of action. Singing in church and listening to sermons, is social pass time to me, and helps the individuals in question. Combining forces to help the homeless, is however practicing what you preach. I think truly amazing things could happen, if all world wide people world wide on a sunday morning/friday evening (or whatever appropriate day) would go out helping people.

mackenzie robbin
mackenzie robbin

Aug-8-2005 16:38

I agree with jstkdn that there needs to be action. I do enjoy church and gain a lot out of attending. But with out putting feet to the gospel I wouldīt consider that person a christian. Christianity is about the love of God no matter what else you believe and if you donīt help those around you then can you say you are really a christian?
I like the saying faith without works isnīt faith at all.

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