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Thin recruitment pool
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May-5-2005 03:35

I noticed a few people saying that recruitment seems to be harder then ever.

Any ideas as to how to solve this.

Here are my two cents of possibilities.
1. For someone with more imagination then me to come up with an idea how to get more people to this site. :)
2. Of course the first thing you think off, is that the number of agencies around should be held to a maximum. But that is not really fair.
But there are other ways that starting a new agency can be harder:
- Can only be started by people whom have been more then X days in the game and/or over X experience. This would require most new joins to train somewhere else temporarily. And also could prevent some initial start up headache for both new director, and new person to this agency. So many new agencies have initial issues, password swapping problems or go bankrupt etc.
- Or there is a waiting list for a new agency when it can be started. Based on how many people enter this game. For each X amount of new people subscribing, the first agency on the list can start up.
- It is a lot more expensive to start an agency.
- An agency can not be started, until someone has found X members to join first. People would be more inclined to join an exisiting agency. And only people that are really serious about the work, can start a new one.

I know what I wrote above is not really fair. But I think I could bring it out there, as I am not recruiting. Though definitely not fair, but having a bigger recruitment pool does add to the fun of the game and community.

Also I think that many new players, do not know what they are in to in terms of recruiting. And 3 people sitting in an agency desperately trying to get new members, may also having more fun to join someone else. Instead of giving up and go bankrupt.


P. Rockwell
P. Rockwell

May-9-2005 14:23

Is there a way to also add a page of caution to those joining an agency? It could point out that before they joing an agency they should consider asking around about the future director and to look at their experience and days they have been around so they can determine if this leader would be the best leader for them.

I am all for new agencies (bring'em on), but when most agencies burn, good detectives (officer, agents, and rookies) leave the game.

Morley Dotes
Morley Dotes

May-9-2005 19:47

P. Rockwell - Amen brother!!

Justkdn - The idea of having a certain amount of experience is a good one!

mrs.zane - Amen sister!! (assuming you are actually female)

As far as recruiting goes, it's about as real life as it gets right now. Who kisses better butt and offers better deals and/or job opportunities gets the newbies! (or the occasional experinced player) LOL!!! Whoever can offer someone what they feel they are looking for will have them as a detective. What happens to them next, (just like real life), is up to you, the recruiting agency!


May-9-2005 20:45 seems to me that restricting who can set up agencies is not getting at the root of the problem according to this thread--a thin recruitment pool. The way to increase the pool is to get more people playing Sleuth. Tell and invite your friends and neighbors, and set up a link to Sleuth if you have a webpage.

A cautionary page before purchasing initial agency real estate might well be a good idea, though. Running an agency, especially a large one, can be a lot of work.

Morley Dotes
Morley Dotes

May-9-2005 22:09

I agree with your thinking. We should recruit from the outside. To check out the site anyway. I do know how that can lead to trouble. Their are sites that love to find sites like this and start flaming them. Irrittating mostly, but can be a problem. Sites can be closed down because of it.

And like I just said, recruiting is alot like real life right now!


May-13-2005 20:33

I do not know how many agencies there are but what if you had like contract limits on the amount of time your det. is with an agency(excluding the Directors) and then contracts can be renegotiated or agent can check the market. I mean sure you can always just stay with agency but you have the ability to experience different agencies. I look at the agency leaders and even though my agency is still young and just getting into TH's I wish there was maybe a monthly or so leader board of some sort. I give praise to the overall leaders Just looking at the # of TH won is mind boggling, but don't you guys even think about who has been the agency this month and last. A lot of people I bet start agency thinking We are going to be #1 and it is probably in less than a month the reality of catching the leading agencies is probably not going to happen unless those agencies some how forget to pay rent!! But contracts with agencies can be made for different lengths even detectives can benefit by not being committed long term without any idea or say in whether they stay or go. I don't like the term contract because the main idea is actually the length of employment with agency, and I don't think it should be tied to $$$ that would change game in to many ways to even imagine.

Carrie Mehome
Carrie Mehome

May-13-2005 21:21

Well ichiban you can find out how many agencies there are in the game info board. I don't like the idea of limiting the time an agent can be in an agency. We have a great team and alot of time and effort has been put in to making them the best they can be. Our agency is not that old and #1 is still a goal of ours and I don't think it is out of our reach. "CASA BLANCA" is next on our list and look out "mojo" we are on our way. We play alot and are really addicted to this game. It is one of the best ways to start our day by getting the brain in gear. We started out with just 3 of us and added more along the way. It is not easy to get the agents who really want to play and learn or are as competitive as we are but they do find us. Being #1 is within anyones reach, you just have to look out for us! Good luck! Happy Sleuthing!


May-13-2005 21:26

Ichiban, why would we need contracts? There is no demand that you stay with a certain agency for any length of time. You are free to leave at your will, and free to look for new employment. Changing agencies is rare, I think, because people make bonds and friendships. However all it it takes is two little clicks to walk away from any agency if you are dissatisfied.

I do like the idea of having a monthly high score list. I think it would make it easier to track the active agencies. :) It would probably have to be based on the fame growth, but I don't know how difficult it would be to set up something like that. (Poor Ben, we are never satisfied it seems....) :)


May-14-2005 16:23

You can always stay with agency I have peoplle from at least 4 diff. time zones so playing at same time is really not possible this makes chasing TH even more challenging I guess I could get rid of anyone that is too far out of my time zone NOT!! I like who they are and have bonded to an extent that is the point I won't leave them. It would be nice to make two little clicks and have side job work with others on short term basis and then click click and be back with origanal agency nothing changed.
And Carrie I didn't say #1 isn't possible trust me there is big difference between possible and probable and I am stubborn so I know it is possible but the #1 agencies aren't going to just give it up right and as you get fame they are doing the same and they have been for longer.
I actually think that everyone should have to be registered with home agency(but can work for others) and that agencies must have at least 3or4members.


May-14-2005 17:25

Ichiban, I still do not understand what change it is that you want to occur, or why we would need contracts? As long as you follow the 48 hour guidelines set forth by Ben, and you can find another agency willing to let you join temporarily, you can change agencies back and forth.

please ref.

I'm sorry ichiban, but again, I have to disagree. I do not think making a minimum requirement for agency members is a good idea either. There are a lot of small agencies, started by single detecitives for the sole purpose of locker use. If a detective wishes to have an agency, for whatever purpose, why should we try to dictate what they can or cannot use it for? Part of what makes Sleuth so great is that there is a place for everyone here. It is just a matter of finding it sometimes. I'd hate to have a bunch of cookie cutter agencies around here, all striving for the same goals.

Carrie, you are exactly right! Anyone with the dedication and desire to make number can get there. It is not going to happen overnight, but it is not impossible. Mojo is not that old, 5 months, actually, and look! :)


May-15-2005 04:59

I don't think a contract will give much added value. As people can leave an agency whenever they want to. With or without a contract, the scenario will stay the same. Those that want to leave will leave, those that don't won't.

I think with every new addition we ask for, it at least has to make a difference. As I am not exactly clear how it would change this community, or resolve the thin recruitment pool. Perhaps you can explain a bit more, what would be the different outcome with the change of adding contracts. You have explained, that people who want to stay can stay, and those that want to leave can leave. Which they can now. But so far, I am really clear what added changes ti resolve the recruitment problem you feel it will bring.

I disagree that the top agencies will always stay the top agency. There are several agencies in the top 10, that compared to the past, hardly play anymore. Any agency that wants to play as many games for a lot of months in a row, as they once did, can make it to that spot.
Any agency that doesn't want to put in that kind of work, won't make it to that spot. And that is only fair.

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