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Daenerys Targaryen
Daenerys Targaryen

Jun-16-2013 06:40

This is a thread about music. All kinds of music: classical, jazz, blues, rock, folk, film music... any kind you can think of. The questions can be about anything related to music: about composers, musicians (performers), styles/periods, musical forms, musical instruments, or about particular pieces or songs.

I'll start with a person.


Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Jun-22-2013 10:26

Young folk, young folk, coming through...

Hmm. Hmm... *face going blank*

Young folk, young folk, on my way out :)

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Jun-22-2013 20:58

Those seem like great questions and all, SS, but, the only one I've even remotely heard of is Tom and Jerry...and unless you want different TV show names, I'm useless here. Most other places too...

And what about Enrique Iglesias? All the kids in class are always going *on and on and on* about him...

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Jun-24-2013 02:53

Nice list, SS!

I'm with Daenerys - I have some ideas about the classical stuff but no idea about any of the others.

I do like the theory that Mozart as a child was mortally afraid of trombones, but that as a result his father put him through trombone acceptance therapy and he became so enamoured of them that he started using them in his orchestral arrangements even though they weren't a standard instrument of the time.

Safety Officer

Jun-25-2013 02:56

Ok So without further faffing about, here are the answers... makes me pine for the pub quiz days...

What's in a name?

Which bands changed their names from the following? [rock/pop]

1. The Bangs?

The Bangles (*coughs* they had it right the first time...)

2. Tom and Jerry? (prophetic really)

Simon and Garfunkel

3. The Blue Velvets, then The Visions, then The Golliwogs

Creedence Clearwater Revival (I knew the Golliwogs, didn't know the other two)

4. The Rattlesnakes

The Beegees

These artists changed their names from… [rock /pop]

5. Farrokh Bulsara

Freddie Mercury

6. Enrique Morales

Ricky Martin

7.Patricia Andrzejewski

Pat Benitar

8. David Robert Jones

David Bowie

True or false? [Classical]

9 . Tchaikovsky believed that his head would fall off, so when conducting an orchestra he would hold his chin with his left hand.

TRUE... or FALSE. Tchaikovsky is often beaten up as being a bit nuts, but more than likely he probably was just a generic sufferer of anxiety and all it's manifestations. The placing of his hand under his chin when on the rostrum (which he did do) was probably just a nervous habit. But I personally like the idea he really did think his head was going to roll away down the aisle.

10. Marie Antoinette, was an excellent flautist. (that's someone who plays the flute :p)

FALSE. She wasn't bad Harpist though.

11. Wagner married Franz Lizsts's daughter.



Actually as a child Mozart was mortally afraid of the trumpet.

There's also some myth that Mozart was the first composer to use the Trombone in a Symphony, but that's not true either apparently.

Emily Hill
Emily Hill
Lucky Stiff

Jun-25-2013 13:17

Kind of feel I should have known the David Bowie one :)

The others I had no idea but was really interesting... especially the Polish sounding name to a country western one!

Yeh, I miss pub quiz too, if you write it, I will answer :)

Daenerys Targaryen
Daenerys Targaryen

Jun-29-2013 01:48

A new pub quizz, that's GREAT!

How about this: it is a musical form, and it's fictional :D.

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Jun-29-2013 02:11

Now that's intriguing...

Just to be clear, when you say 'a musical form' do you mean something like a sonata, or a concerto, or an opera? (Only it can't be any of those as they're not fictional).

Is it from a book, a film, a poem, a TV series?

Daenerys Targaryen
Daenerys Targaryen

Jun-29-2013 03:13

Yes, I mean something like a sonata or an opera, but this specific form is fictional. It is from a TV series, and I'm sure you know it, Cordy :). To be precise, it's a fictional sub-form of a standard musical form.

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Jun-29-2013 07:11

Now this is niggling away at me. There's something at the back of my mind that's refusing to come forward :)

Is it an American TV series? Or British? Would it be classed as science fiction? Fantasy? Supernatural?

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Jun-29-2013 07:36

A fictional music form...sounds fascinating! It may turn out to be ordinary, but what I'm thinking up feels great! And it's from a TV series! I should know this, but I bet I'll have missed it :(

Just to be clear, what I'm thinking of now, in a *very* rough way (because I can't really describe it) is something like dragons singing, etc. It's a horrible example, but the only one I can think of to put the colours in my head into words :) I can just see it being called a sub-form of a standard musical form! :D

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