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The Resistance: The Midnight Strike
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Molly Maltese
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe

Jul-19-2012 12:12

Mob history is to be made tonight, and you are along for the ride.

Sonny Capellini, The La Cosa Nostra boss of the Brooklyn area and a few of his closest compatriots were found dead in his home two nights ago, victims of blasts from sawed-off shotguns. Fuggheddaboudit. Theories suspect rival Emil "The Butcher" Bocelli, a higher-up with no small means at his disposal. Emil wanted to assume his place as the top man in the Brooklyn outfit.

However, the Santanelli's have cracked open the books and are hesitant to appoint the wild-card Bocelli, for fear they might have trouble from him later on down the line. They favor Jimmy "Legs" Tarabotti, a well-respected mobster who has no beef against the Santanelli's. However, La Cosa Nostra isn't about to lose more manpower over this.

Jimmy "Legs" Tarabotti has been sent for, and if he makes it to the meeting in a warehouse on 34th tonight at midnight, he will assume the mantle of the entire Brooklyn outfit. If he doesn't make it, the outfit goes to Bocelli.

You are a close-knit crew of Tarabotti's supporters, but word on the street is that Bocelli bribed a few of his men to the other side. Its possible, with their sabotage, that Tarabotti will be dead far before midnight. Only the final strike of the clock will tell.
Can you keep Legs Tarabotti alive until he becomes the most untouchable man in New York? Find out in this game of...The Resistance!


M. Lacrimosa
M. Lacrimosa

Jul-22-2012 20:30

Maybe I'm just paranoid on the first mission but its interesting that you gave those cards to people who aren't on the mission. No accusations are going to be made from me yet. But I'll go ahead and PM my vote.

Safety Officer

Jul-22-2012 20:37

Just to be fair that isn't quite true
I gave a skill to myself, in the long run gave two,
So two of the three skills are on this team
I'm not totally sure you know just what you mean.

Safety Officer

Jul-22-2012 20:42


But if Marc was a spy that's just what I'd say
cast blame on the others, then play how I play.
Now I don't know if I've made a mistake,
Argh!! I'm channelling nicnic, oh for goodness sake!

Battered Shoe

Jul-22-2012 20:47

Doesn't Take Responsibility have to be used immediately, thus rendering its power useless now? You can't hold onto it and use it later.

Also... squirrelly are you trying to drive me insane???????

Danny Mack
Danny Mack
Old Shoe

Jul-22-2012 20:49

I think Nic said that resistance should always vote no in the first mission. I I am resistance, I vote no.

Molly, my vote of no is sent.

Vive La Resistance!

Lucky Stiff

Jul-22-2012 20:58

I voted yes this time. Because I'm resistance and I know at least a third of this team is Resistance.

I'm also pretty sure this vote won't pass, so I'm interested to see how the votes split up.

Molly Maltese
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe

Jul-22-2012 21:12

Nic, to be fair I was walking squirrel through the process of how a mission works, which is why he didnt put the use of Take Responsibility in the post with the doling out of abilities. So if there was a delay in its use it was my fault for explaining step-by-step how he would proceed as Leader. /endgodliketransmission

Battered Shoe

Jul-22-2012 21:55

I am not going to take the Squirrel's bait.

I am going to be calm and level headed this game.

*knows she isn't fooling anyone*

Ms Helen
Ms Helen
Con Artist

Jul-23-2012 00:28

I would really love to see if Squirrel can rhyme for the whole of this game, though I won't be held responsible for my actions if he does :D

Vote sent!!!

Lucky Stiff

Jul-23-2012 09:08

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I dont rhyme so good
but does SS seem guilty to you? ;)

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