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Lyra Cornwallis
Lyra Cornwallis
Lucky Stiff

Mar-12-2010 10:38

The game's very simple. You just have to post a riddle, and the person who posts next should try answering it, and should post their own riddle.

Why do birds fly South in winter?


Secret Spy_
Secret Spy_
Super Steeper

Mar-15-2010 13:12

Wow! That's really good!

Heimlich VonVictor
Heimlich VonVictor

Mar-15-2010 16:47

Yes Vulkie that is correct! Squirrel was very close as well, I thought he was going to get it for a minute.

Lyra, a housefly?

Here's another:

A detective walks into the Tricky Mister one night and says to Cyrus, "I know you're a betting man, and I'd like to propose a wager. If I win, I drink free for the night, but if you win, I'll buy a round for the entire bar. I have three daughters, and I bet you can't tell me their ages."

Cyrus looks at him and says, "I'd be crazy to take that bet! How would I know that?"

The detective thinks for a minute and responds, "The sum of my three daughter's ages is eighteen."

Cyrus takes out a napkin and begins to write on it. He looks back at the detective and says, "Sorry but I still can't tell you."

The detective scratches his chin, pondering for a moment before saying, "You know what? My one daughter's age is the street address of this very bar!"

So Cyrus takes a walk outside, comes back in, and says, "It's still impossible to figure out, and you are wasting my time!"

The detective, knowing that he has frustrated the bartender, feels victory within his grasp. "Alright pal," he says, "here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna give you one final hint and if you get it, I'll buy the next three rounds!" Cyrus sighs and asks for the final hint.

The detective points out the window towards Battery Boardwalk. "The other day my youngest daughter told me she hopes they have a merry-go-round there when it opens."

Cyrus quickly scribbles something on a napkin and holds it up in front of the detective, who turns completely white. "Better break out your wallet." Cyrus says smugly.

What did he write on the napkin, and how was he positive that it would be correct?


Mar-15-2010 17:20


I'll call the girls' ages: x, y and z (because I'm a pendantic math fool)

Cyrus knows: x + y + z = 18

Cyrus knows one of the ages, let's say that's age 'x'

Cyrus also knows that to ride a merry go round you have to be a certain age, (what ever that is), and so he knows that the remaining children cannot be less than that number.

From there he can then deduce the remaing two ages of the other two daughters.

Heimlich VonVictor
Heimlich VonVictor

Mar-16-2010 00:24

Well, yes Cyrus does know one of the ages. You're on the right track, but keep in mind, the youngest daughter didn't say that she wanted to ride one, merely that she wished there was one when it opened. She could very well be thirty by the time that happens! *ducks objects thrown by Ben and HLI*

Safety Officer

Mar-16-2010 01:48

a) I don't have a pen and (b) I don't have the time but the fact there is a youngest and an oldest limits the possibilities of combinations. ie there wont be twins or triplets. So you'd have 15, 2 & 1 as your first combination and so on. I suspect this is all based around math (which I don't get at the best of times), otherwise I'd offer the theory you could rule out 1 & 2 as being obsolete as the youngest daughter speaks well enough to talk about the boardwalk, but I'm guessing that's a little too 'fluffy'.

Lyra Cornwallis
Lyra Cornwallis
Lucky Stiff

Mar-16-2010 10:06

That's wrong, Heimlich! The answer to mine is 'Everyone. A house can't jump at all!'

Old Shoe

Mar-16-2010 11:02

Cyrus knows the number to the bar, but still needs one more clue, which means there are at least 2 possibilities after subtracting his barnumber from 18. When he gets the last clue he suddenly knows, which means that this clue excludes all other possibilities. The clue says that one of them is younger than the other, which means the possibilities before this clue is that either they're the same age or they're not. Since he now knows their ages there can be only one possiblity with different ages. That's why they're 14, 3 and 1. I'm surprised the one-year-old can say whole sentences though :-P

And for you math-geeks out there: Why are all girlfriends or boyfriends evil?

Secret Spy_
Secret Spy_
Super Steeper

Mar-16-2010 11:11

Are they now? I didn't know that!

Old Shoe

Mar-16-2010 12:22

Sure they are. But you have to solve the riddle to know why.

Heimlich VonVictor
Heimlich VonVictor

Mar-16-2010 16:03

InTheShadows got it! Nice job! I always give that one to students if I want them to be busy for a class.

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