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Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!
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Anais Nin
Anais Nin

Dec-22-2009 23:45

Say three things about yourself, and make one thing a lie! The next person to post has to guess what is the lie.

To start:

1. I collect porcelain dolls
2. I love asparagus
3. My favorite color is red


Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter

Jan-20-2010 14:44

I say #2, because I refuse to acknowledge the existence of cat people.

1. I once crawled just over half a mile on my belly through mud and over broken rocks - in the name of fun.
2. I failed a polygraph test because in the past I've tickled my wife.
3. My middle initial - "B" - is because I was my parents' second child and "B" is the second letter of the alphabet.

Anais Nin
Anais Nin

Jan-20-2010 21:57

What about lizard people? Do you acknowledge them? ;)

I'll say... #3, because I really hope your parents weren't that unimaginative.

1. I wear 7 rings on my fingers.
2. I love big, dangly earrings (partially because Dad hates them) and have a frog ear cuff.
3. I usually wear 3 necklaces.

Violet Parr
Violet Parr

Jan-21-2010 02:10

Elizabeth I is my favourite European Monarch.. Look around Mr. Hunter, cat people are all around us *nods politely*

#3 Ms. Nin, you do not strike me as a 3 necklaces kind of gal...

1. miss snopes is the first friend I made on sleuth.
2. Secret_Squirrel is my favourite sleuth.
3. I enjoy Anais Nin's development of her character the most on the stage.

Safety Officer

Jan-21-2010 05:19

Ever since the great hotdog / ballgown debacle of 2008, Vi's never quite seen me in the same light, so I guess 2. is the lie :D

1. If I'd been born a girl my mother was going to call me Patricia (yeah I know you'd think she'd have gone with Silent, or Sneaky)
2. I have started to learn to play the Mandolin
3. I am bored easily.

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Jan-21-2010 08:02

I'll have to go with 3. You don't strike me as an easily bored person.

1. In my teens, I collected hedgehogs.
2. I'm half Welsh.
3. I have three pieces of metal in my left ankle.


Jan-21-2010 14:42

I'm thinking #2...

1. I hate seafood.

2. I despise Vampire Romance themed novels. (No offense to any Twilight fans out there! :))

3. I once broke my wrist after being practically trampled by the Black Friday Sales fanatics.

Elizabeth March
Elizabeth March
Sleuth About Town

Jan-21-2010 15:50

I'd say #1.

1. I own three dogs.
2. I speak (in different levels) five languages.
3. I'm horrified of heights, but I like flying in arplaines.

Kell Dewclaw
Kell Dewclaw
Trusted Informer

Jan-22-2010 11:59

The longest I've crawled on my belly for fun is around 300 meters - far short of half a mile (caving). Anais, not only did my parents have a scheme for middle initials, every single member of the family has the same first initial - "M". My father - a mathematician - was hoping to get to "Murdoch Zebadiah", but mom cut him off after three kids (erm... not literally).

Elizabeth, #1? No real reason. I also plan on stealing most of your post.

1. I own both a cat and a dog, but the cat weighs four times as much as the dog.

2. I "speak" (in different levels) four languages: english, spanish, american sign, and arabic.

3. I'm horrified of heights, but I love rock climbing and rappelling.

Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter

Jan-22-2010 12:00

^Jesse's post, wrong login.

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Jan-25-2010 02:25

Caledonia - nope, it was elephants, not hedgehogs.

Jesse, hmm, I think I'll go with #2. Either you've left a language out or added one in?

1. I like cold lasagne for breakfast.
2. I once won a beer-tasting competition.
3. Queen Elizabeth II once gave me a Christmas pudding.

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