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Stress detection skill: thumbs up or down?
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nancy balash 3
nancy balash 3

Aug-19-2009 02:43

I wonder if I should get this?
It seems that the suspect is going to clam anyway, even if I know about it.
So does this really help you know anything more or is it just a warning? Does it tell you how many more questions you can ask?



Aug-19-2009 22:23

I also use stress detection the same way Ms Helen and ctown do, but I do agree it's more important to get all your advanced interrogation and intimidation skills, first.

Just keep in mind that it is useful, if you use it correctly.

Joseph Zeo
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner

Aug-22-2009 02:26

I choose to be an 'disillusioned police detective' and that skill was given to me automatically. Sad to say, i'd rather that they gave me something else, like more intimidation and interrogation skills. It does keep me plan my questions and even out my questions between suspects though; it's just one more thing to keep track of. If you do note them down, it does help you get the most out of all suspects in the end.

Lucky Stiff

Aug-22-2009 03:24

I quite like stress detection but I also would only get it after getting all your intimidation/interrogation skills.

Encyclopedia Zero
Encyclopedia Zero

Aug-22-2009 05:59

I agree with the notion to get your advanced interrogation and intimidation skills first. BUT stress detection is by no means useless. And personally I've found use for it BEFORE you have all your tough-tree skills. Because in case you fail at threatening the suspect/townsperson you have at least known what question to ask FIRST. ;) And if one plays a "very tough" detective the point cost is almost free anyway.

nancy balash 3
nancy balash 3

Aug-26-2009 08:02

Interesting replies. Thanks.

I got my advanced skills.
I'm tough and charming.

I think I 'm going to get some evidence skills before I get stress detection.

Joseph Zeo
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner

Aug-26-2009 09:54

Yes, definitely evidence skills before stress detection, in my opinion.


Apr-28-2010 20:16

Thumbs up! It will tell you when a suspect is about to clam up, so you will choose your questions wisely

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