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CONTEST: Sleuth Sonnets
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Nov-6-2008 16:39

Mysteries rock, and Noir is so awesome it became its own genre. Classic. Know what else is classic? That's right, Shakespeare! Classic AND classical - he just can't be beat. Well... unless he had written Noir sonnets!!

The Premise: Here's your chance to beat Shakespeare at his own game. Take one of The Bard's sonnets, strip off all but the last word of each line, then write a new sonnet - a Sleuth sonnet!

The Rules:

* Each entry MUST be completely different from the original sonnet EXCEPT for the final word on each line.
* Each new sonnet must have a Sleuth or a Noir theme.
* You must follow the guidelines for the English Sonnet poetry form (i.e. 14 lines, iambic pentameter, rhyming scheme)
* There are a few cases in which Shakespeare did not follow the standard rules for a sonnet. If the sonnet you have chosen is one of those "irregulars", you must duplicate it (do not 'fix' it!)
* Each entry must have, after the completed new sonnet, the number of the original sonnet and a URL to link to it.
* Entries must be submitted no later than 23:59 server time on December 15, 2008.

The Links:

Here are some links to help with this contest!

Prizes: Yay, prizes!!!

1st place: $100,000 SleuthCash (subbed) or 6 month subscription (unsubbed)
2nd place: $50,000 SleuthCash (subbed) or 3 month subscription (unsubbed)
3rd place: $10,000 SleuthCash (subbed) or 1 month subscription (unsubbed)


Lucky Stiff

Nov-6-2008 21:09

Yay! I've been waiting for this ever since the radio show!

Nice one SS! And super quick off the mark as always.

Safety Officer

Nov-7-2008 06:24

lol well don't let the date stamp fool ya :) due to a few technical glitches, Ani re-posted this thread :) just like a bad cooking show it was a case of 'here's one I prepared earlier'...

Sleuth About Town

Nov-7-2008 15:12

Now That's what I'm talkin' about,SS! Nicely done.

Safety Officer

Nov-11-2008 19:31

XCVII [A sonnet of Lurv to Ben :D :D ]

I've actually kept the whole first line, just coz it lead me into the rest.

How like a winter has your absence been
It seems as though it must have been a year!
Still no new avatars are to be seen!
Yet my reminders plague you ev'rywhere!
My inbox filled, the same old, "HOW MUCH TIME?"
As PM's mount, so does my ire increase,
In your defence you've long since passed you prime, :D :P
But not so much that work should oft' decease:
And there are emails you have sent to me
Of batches that have waned, like withered fruit;
" 'Misplaced' the lot again?" I ask of thee,
Silence... you stay so resolutely mute:
"Ben's posted, look!" We hear the punters cheer,
I laugh, it makes their 'new face' no more near.

Clift Garrett
Clift Garrett

Nov-12-2008 00:51

lol! That's really funny actually =D

I'm sure it would be even funnier when the new avatars are up! :P

Rosamund Clifford
Rosamund Clifford
Tale Spinner

Nov-12-2008 02:46

LOL I'm sure it's the first sonnet ever dedicated to Ben, and SS can exclaim along with old Nero: "What a poet the world loses in me!"

Very nice, bard :)


Nov-12-2008 09:35

this is the crime spree
go get the burglar
do not let him speed
in that stolen corvette
arrest that man
and let him rot
in a jail
cell or hang him
either way he is gunna
pay so do not
rest till the job is done
prostitutes are morally wrong
this is the jam!


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