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Remi Steele
Remi Steele

May-21-2007 12:05

I understand that you lose things if you get 3 FA...what doesnt make sense to me is the choices you have...what happens if you just start with a new P.I. still lose what's the purpose..


Battered Shoe

May-21-2007 15:40

Actually, Ran, Jas is right--some things were changed after the initial reactivation announcement. This is taken from the Sleuth Updates page at City Hall:

Retired detectives are assessed the following penalties when reactivated:

1. Loss of 25% of their Experience Points
2. Loss of 90% of their Money
3. Loss of Skill Points commensurate to Experience Points lost. Since no skills are lost in the process, this usually means the detective will start with negative available skill points.
4. Loss of one randomly selected piece of Equipment
5. Loss of all Contacts
6. Loss of most of their Political Standing Points

So yeah, you do lose an awful lot when you reactivate. But skills are not lost--a really important consideration--and you keep most of your experience points. The main thing for many experienced players is that they develop an emotional bond with their detectives, and would rather accept the loss of contacts, faction points, equipment, etc etc, than start all over again.

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

May-21-2007 16:52

Thank you Ara, for backing me up!!

Ms Helen
Ms Helen
Con Artist

May-21-2007 17:06

Something i noticed that isnt mentioned a lot on the boards is that checking the Sleuth Updates page on a regular basis will give you the most up to date info. Quite often when a major change such as the reactivation of detectives is made it needs tinckering around with a few times to get a good balance. Quite often the original thread doesn't always provide the most accurate information :)

R Anstett
R Anstett

May-22-2007 07:27

Ok, lets go step by step then.

>>By reactivating your old detective, you will lose almost all your money,

>>and your contacts,

>> as well as experience points,

Jas implies here you loose all your Experience Points. Likely a gramatical error, but you only loose 25% as was pointed out

>>and losee all unspent skill points,
NO, you only loose the skill points commisserate with the XP loss not all unspent ones

>>start at negative with all factions,
NO, you loose most of your standing, if you were very high with one faction you will stay possitive with that faction

>>and a random piece of equipment,

>>BUT you will still have all the skills you already purchased. Those DO NOT go away!

Which is why I posted the link to the original thread which also had mention of the other places to check as well.

Safety Officer

May-22-2007 08:17

Thanks guys, I honestly didn't have much knowledge on this topic until now, and now I am sated.

Lucky Stiff

May-22-2007 08:25

does anyone know the word "lose"?

grammatical errors are fun :)

R Anstett
R Anstett

May-22-2007 08:26

This is something has has created a new wrinkle in the game. There is now a real stategy to picking a teammate to be retired to help out the agency.

If you are looking for a particular contact for your agency, you just keep retiring the detective until you earn the correct one. With everyone willing to pitch in cases to help rebuild the XP and Skill points it is much easier to build up the right mix of contacts in an agency now.

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

May-22-2007 09:03

Actually Ran, I was right. To correct you again:

Taken from the city hall updates:

3. Loss of Skill Points commensurate to Experience Points lost. Since no skills are lost in the process, this usually means the detective WILL start with NEGATIVE AVAILABLE SKILL POINTS.

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

May-22-2007 09:11

Ms HC, your right, it seems people do not read the updates, and even when they do, they apparently leave out info:

Taken from a quote here:

Ran said:
NO, you only loose the skill points commisserate with the XP loss not all unspent ones

as you will see that after that it specifically says in updates....

3. Loss of Skill Points commensurate to Experience Points lost. Since no skills are lost in the process, this usually means the detective WILL START WITH NEGATIVE AVAILABLE SKILL POINTS.

He convieniently forgot to leave that part out, which is a vital piece of information!

R Anstett
R Anstett

May-22-2007 09:13

Sorry Jas.

Here is the simple math for everyone.

8,000,000 XP and 320 Skill points (49 unspent because all available skills are already purchased.)

Retire your detective

Reactivate your dectective

Lose 2,000,000 XP and 40 skill points.

So that person still has:

6,000,000 XP and 280 skill points (9 unspent).

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