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Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Feb-22-2004 20:32

I have a couple of questions I'd like some feedback on. Please Answer by replying to this post.

1) Is the game fun? Really fun, kind of fun, funner than going to the dentist?

2) Can you think of anything that would make the game more fun?

3) Is the game too hard? Too easy?




May-2-2005 21:52

1. Great Fun
(I love the game)

2. It would be very cool if you could add a movie clip here and there. Maybe on the intro or something.

The game is great.
It is set up for everyone not just adults and I like that because the family can play.

Keep up the great work Been.


May-9-2005 02:05

it's great fun..

sometimes it makes it boring when played too long

it's fine , i can handle...


May-10-2005 06:41

Hey there. I've been playing this for two weeks now and am hooked!!! Maybe I chose the wrong career?

I have a suggestion - how about, when you're checking hair/footprints etc once you've asked about one person, that person's name is removed from the list. Is this possible? it's just, I sometimes forget who I've asked about.


May-10-2005 06:58

I know what you mean - i always have to keep a set of notes to remember which questions i've asked and who I've asked them to!

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

May-10-2005 12:17

Yes, that's a good idea. I should also probably make it so that once you ask a particular suspect whether they suspect another particular suspect, that exact option is no longer available. Those changes would make things a lot less confusing.


May-11-2005 11:51

OOh yes, that would help me to keep track of things.


May-19-2005 05:09

<80's flashback> Right On! </80's flashback>

This would also be a perk for those in agencies. With several people working on a case over days some information is bound to get lost. This would make the conjoined effort much easier...


May-27-2005 18:33

The only flaw I see is the Though & Charming archetype. Since many of the Though and Charming skills are equivalent to each other, many detectives of that archetype concentrate on either Though or Charming while investing heavily on the Smart skills that they pay at full price.

I think the sets of skills should be revised to make one really complementary to the other.

Flirt and Judge of character makes sense in charming skill, while Lockpicking and Stress detection deserves their spots as Though skill. However, the rest of the skills are each other's mirror.

I wonder if it could be possible to make the Charming skills exclusively centered around the talking while the Though skill could be finding information about suspects more à la Lockpicking.


May-30-2005 22:58

I'll put my two cents worth in right quick Ben. I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!! It's not too hard, nor too easy, but just perfect. Though I've not had the chance to check out all the new features you've added, I can't wait to do so. As soon as I get hooked-up with cable, I'm going to subscribe again so I can check it out and play as much as my health will allow. Thanks Ben, Sunny, & all mystery writers, & those who've made this game what it is.

Cannon Ball
Cannon Ball

Jun-1-2005 19:05

Good game like it more than the dentist.
More pubs would be good and need a track to lay down some cash in New York.
Wouldnt know if it to hard or not always blind and off my tree when I play it.

Cheers Cannon Ball.

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