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Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Feb-22-2004 20:32

I have a couple of questions I'd like some feedback on. Please Answer by replying to this post.

1) Is the game fun? Really fun, kind of fun, funner than going to the dentist?

2) Can you think of anything that would make the game more fun?

3) Is the game too hard? Too easy?




Sep-11-2004 04:15

just hit the back space button


Sep-11-2004 04:16

errr, or the back button in the top corner


Sep-12-2004 02:36

back space button is excellent - and is quicker - thanks

Old Shoe

Sep-24-2004 14:06

No one has posted in here in ages, so I decided to do so!

I had an idea! When someone identifies a piece of evidence through the crime lab, it says:

(name) has identified the footprint and found it to be from a heavy person.

How come when an agency gets a new place, there isn't a note saying:

(name) has become the number (place) agency.


Dr. Falco Maltese
Dr. Falco Maltese

Sep-25-2004 02:06

Or what about, (name) in your agency just completed a favor in the hunt for (treasure)?

Then we would know to check to see the next favor needed!

Or (name in your agency) has just logged on to sleuth?

And how about if you get to be top dog in one of the factions, there's a message telling you that.

(Not to mention getting executive bathroom privileges, or some other special deal for being #1 - I dunno, not having to pay for hunts from that faction, or???? A golden key to the office? A t-shirt saying "I got to be consigliere of La Cosa Nostra and all they gave me was this lousy T-shirt?")


Old Shoe

Sep-25-2004 16:55

(I like the T-shirt idea!) ;)

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Sep-25-2004 22:14

Heh, I'm going to add a little something for the faction leaders soon.


Sep-27-2004 03:00

I'd like a discussion on the whole double/triple situation which to me has gone completely out of hand. It isn't even fun anymore.

Ben, I beseech you, please consider not allowing more than 1 detective per IP adress within a single agency.

I know it will affect those instances where entire families and room mates want to be in an agency together, put how often does that actually happen? And it might be just as fun to compete against each other as being in the same agency.

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Sep-27-2004 09:19

OK, I'm going to review all the teams to make sure people aren't breaking the two per team from a single address policy.


Sep-27-2004 09:46

Greyling, you only have TWO agents in your agency....?

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