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Beef Flaps
Beef Flaps
Lucky Stiff

Feb-24-2007 23:34

Anyone else having this issue? I click on a new suspect I have yet to interview, all is fine. Ask them if they suspect anyone. I get their list of suspects. All is fine. When I click on ask another question, they suddenly went into hiding. Uhm...did I suddenly drop my pen, bend over to pick it up, and in doing so, gave the suspect time to duck out the window and go into hiding?

My favourite has been...same scenario...get the suspect list from them, suddenly they are dead. Now. I was the one in the room with the suspect. The only one. Did I knock them off myself? I'm starting to think I'm a suspect in the hunt?

Maybe repetitive villain hunt clues aren't annoying enough. Let's make it more difficult by causing sudden disappearances in front of my very eyes so that I end up with 7 or 8 suspects out of 10/11 to weed through instead of 6.

p.s. I still hate you Delhi


Beef Flaps
Beef Flaps
Lucky Stiff

Feb-25-2007 00:45

...and apparently i only have 11, not 12 cases available to me tonight.

delhi deadends
sudden death or hidden suspects
11 instead of 12 cases

i must have some bad karma aimed at me (anticipating crunch to follow up with a bad korma from delhi comment)

Safety Officer

Feb-25-2007 02:16

this just happened to me. in a minor way. clicked on 'ask another question' and was taken straight to suspect disappers/use underworld connection page.

I'll submit a bug report.

Old Shoe

Feb-25-2007 02:21

Well if its a recent thing then I wouldn't know. Haven't played for about a week now.

V Buster
V Buster
Old Shoe

Feb-25-2007 03:05

Personally I think its a deliberate change to combat the Firefox/IE 7 use of tabs.

The original intent of the game was to have vanishing/dead suspects make things more difficult. Withe the aforementioned tab strategy you could completely eliminate these and make all cases slightly easier.

Battered Shoe

Feb-25-2007 05:07

I use tabs to make things easier and I still have vanishing/dead suspects all the time. My tabs just link me to the townies, so maybe there's a different tab strategy I haven't thought of?

Susie x
Susie x

Feb-25-2007 05:08

I've had this happen twice as well. :(


Feb-25-2007 07:53

Three times as of this morning. Good thing about that UC skill cuz otherwise I would be mega-pissed.

Arabella Parker
Arabella Parker

Feb-25-2007 08:46

Yes, this happened to me several times yesterday. I thought it was just me. I suppose I am glad it is happening to others to, but hopefully it is a bug and not a new 'feature'.

F. Redondo
F. Redondo

Feb-25-2007 09:00

Yep, me too. I tab the townies (just saves developing a winkers claw from over use of the mouse) but it happens after a question or 2 to suspects. Haven't had 1 die yet, would giggled alot probably (in a clinical setting style - rocking and so forth). If they are supposed to die when you are in the room, might wanna rename the game 'the Pink Panther'. Would only need 1 avatar then.

Lucky Stiff

Feb-25-2007 09:17

I noticed it too and thought it was just a game change, rather than a bug. Annoying when you don't have UC....

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