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Enough is Enough
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Chelsea Bando
Chelsea Bando

Feb-23-2007 22:10

I am tired of Ben not doing anything about people who lie, cheat, and steal in this game. Ben gives people to many chances. People need to be banned. How many more agencies must suffer the consequences of having rogue detectives join, take sign on bonuses, loot lockers, steal money from safe accounts, and then leave to repeat the process before the administration takes action? Chronestrian left this site for a reason, and I spoke to him shortly before he quit. I honestly told him that the site was not going to change and that people would continue to abuse the system without any fear of punishment. Enough is enough. I call upon the denizens of Slueth to support my referendum. Ben must take action against repeat offenders.


Lucky Stiff

Feb-26-2007 05:34

no hate mail from me j-ro :)

youre completely right!

Miss Kathy Rose
Miss Kathy Rose

Feb-26-2007 09:56

This Werner character PMed me a couple of days ago asking to join our agency. I checked him out, noticed he had very little XP but yet had full smart gear. So my instincts said no way do I want him in my agency. It just takes a little research to save a big headache later on.


Feb-26-2007 09:59

**Note to self, send jroepel hate mail** :-) kidding

I like being part of the evil empire. It's nice to have agencies that will help each other out. And then it's also nice to help out others. I don't see how GSS is different from Hitchhikers or any other agency that works closely with others.

There are alot of agencies out there now, however, the ones that start with the right intentions are the ones that will have some staying power and the others will just fade away.

I just think the game needs to advertise in places that will focus on a more mature audience, get more subscribers and a server that will support it!!


Feb-26-2007 10:08

Not sure that connected agencies is really a problem here.

I agree with roamie 120% that this game should be targeted for mature audiences. If you go back and study some of the recent history, you will find that most of the troublemakers are people that are not mature enough (in real AND mental age) to participate in a comunity game like this one.
And do not even get me started on those that come in here and whine because they cannot do more for free. Anyone care to guess how old most of them are?

Lucky Stiff

Feb-26-2007 10:34

Sorry, I should have clarified, I don't have a problem with the big agencies at all (I'm a HHer for godsakes lol), I just think they do things a little differently, and its easier for us to recruit serious players because the reputation of HH, Eye Spy, or the GSS agencies sort of precedes us. I will say, however, that I've also managed to recruit a LOT of great people into SMRT so all is not lost :)

Totally agree with the advertising to a more mature audience though. Unfortunately, teenagers who can handle being here are the exception, not the rule.

Chelsea Bando
Chelsea Bando

Feb-26-2007 15:53

I can tell you AndreaX that I am 23 years old. So my guess is that most of the immature people are around 23 years old.

Old Shoe

Feb-26-2007 23:00

Bah... Not all 23 year olds are immature. I swear sometimes that I'm more mature than people 10-20 years my senior.

Old Shoe

Feb-26-2007 23:02

Pshhh, I'm 32 and I'm FAR less mature, in many ways, than many younger people. To whit, I just ate a pound of shrimp because I didn't want to throw them out.

I have to say, as much as the last few days, and a few other glaring instances, testify to the contrary, my experience has been that there are people who are mean, dumb, disruptive and irritating at every age. Given the choice of what kind of problem I'd rather deal with, I'd take a babbling kid over a malicious adult any day of the week. In fact, I find myself FAR more angry with supposed...adults...who do mean and jerky stuff on purpose than I do with their younger counterparts, and I've really enjoyed meeting some funny, bright, cool younger people here too! I'm saying, one yoyo does more good for the community than ten werbers do harm and I like those odds.

Banning is difficult, simply because the technology out there is such that an IP ban often represents a temporary solution at best. I'm not really very internet savvy though, so I'm not aware of a better approach. As for the piece about people moaning about what they get for free..totally. No sympathy there at all. Don't whine about an all-you-can eat buffet when you're starving and someone hands you a free coupon for a three-piece combo :P

Con Artist

Feb-27-2007 13:44

Dude, can I totally get a chicken biscuit and a sweet tea with that coupon? lol. Sorry, since I moved to the south I have become obsessed with Bojangles. lol. We seriously needed those back in California. And oh man Sweet Tea is the nectar of the gods! Forget uzo. hehe. Ok so I guess I'm living proof of Crunch and Akano's theory that maturity doesn't come with age. :-P

Lucky Stiff

Feb-27-2007 13:56

I believe I stated my opinion on this matter on a deleted thread...

If we were to ban every idiot on the site...

...I wouldn't be here :D

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