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The Story of Miss Violet Parr
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Violet Parr
Violet Parr

Feb-9-2007 16:26

Miss Violet Parr smiled politely at the beggar who nearly bumped into her as she walked as fast as she possibly could through the streets of New York. Though Miss Parr felt sick to the stomach, she managed to smile at someone most people around her managed to ignore. The man, puzzled, looked at her from behind his shoulder as he walked away.

Adamant that she should not physically run into another person or, worse yet, an automobile, Violet Parr sat on the steps of a rundown bakery. Her mind twirled with the thoughts that attacked it when she was checking out of the Broadway Plaza Hotel.

She braced herself and tried very hard to empty her mind from thoughts… She could not…

Violet Parr was very good at escaping her present moments. She easily drifted away in thought, though she always attempted to conceal her daydreaming as much as possible. Nevertheless, she could never escape the past. Thoughts of her last visit to New York crept into her mind despite her.

She glanced at the New York streets and sidewalks absentmindedly as her mind dragged her back into the alleys of her memory.


Pinball Amateur

Feb-14-2007 22:20

After Miss Parr was finished, Prime Minister MacDonald and Lord Churchill, and Douglas and Charlie all exchanged brooding looks.

"Gel thinks Sahira's a damned traitor," Churchill muttered darkly, "Prince Isa's gonna LOVE that."

A flash of irritation crossed Violet's face, "I'm sorry, Sir?"

MacDonald shook his head slightly, then answered her for Churchill, "Please forgive Lord Churchill, Miss Parr. We didn't realize you weren't aware of who Sahira really was. Her father is the Emir of Bahrain, Isa ibn Salman Al Khalifah. She and her brother, Aziz, one of the Prince's younger sons, are working for the Americans at the moment, helping them out. She's no more a betrayer than Lord Churchill or I am."

Violet's jaw dropped slightly at that, "Oh my God."

Doug spoke up then, "There's also a very good reason why Sahira was at the hotel. She's been one of Mr. Grant's caretakers since he arrived there. She was being friendly to you because she recognized your description, and was trying to approach you, as quite a few of my people have been in the last few days."

His eyes turned cold, and he frowned at her, "You should probably be thanking her, Miss Parr. Only a few minutes after she finished speaking with you, she was attacked by an assassin and almost killed. We think the man mistook Sahira for you. Sahira was wearing your scarf at the time of the attack."

The color leached from Violet's face, and she sank into a nearby chair. "Oh my GOD!" she whispered.

The four men exchanged significant looks again.

Lord Churchill chewed his cigar for a moment, "It would seem Mr. Grant isn't the only one with enemies lurking about, my dear."

Pinball Amateur

Feb-15-2007 02:04

The Prime Minister glanced at Doug, "Perhaps we should have the Yard look into providing Miss Parr some protection, and search for any more possible adversaries that Miss Parr may not be aware of. I trust you'll be informing your colleagues at the Stanton Building about these developments?"

Doug nodded thoughtfully, "Yessir. I'm sure the Admiral and the Captain will be very interested to hear about that concierge at the Hotel. I'll also have them start tracking down this Frank Georges guy, and see if they can find out precisely what happened to the Marquee."

"Mmm," Charlie rubbed his chin pensively, "Might also be a thought ta track down summa ta chaps what worked at that theatre. P'rhaps they might know this Arab the lass mentioned."

Lord Churchill studied his cigar, then clamped it between his teeth again, "Might also be an idea to have Aziz or one of his boys look into that." He cocked an eyebrow at MacDonald, "We should probably have the Yard put out bulletins on this man Georges and the Arab, in case they jumped the Pond."

The Prime Minister nodded his agreement to that, just as there was a knock at the Entrance door. "Come," he called.

A young clerk poked her head in the door, " 'Scuse me, Sir? There's a telephone call from the Home Office for the Prime Minister, and this just came over the wire from New York. The Secretary said it was urgent." She handed MacDonald a decoded telegram.

"Damned Gilmour," Churchill growled, "He's worse than a mother-in-law. You'd think the man could go for more than ten minutes at a time without someone holding his hand."

The Prime Minister groaned softly, then looked over at the clerk, "Tell Lord Gilmour I'll call him back in a minute, please, Sophie. I'm in an intelligence briefing at the moment. Thank you."

The clerk disappeared as MacDonald scanned the message. He studied it for a moment, then looked up sharply at Miss Parr, "Perhaps you have more enemies than you realize, my dear."

Pinball Amateur

Feb-15-2007 02:25

She looked up at him, perplexed again, "I don't understand, Your Honour?"

MacDonald read the telegram out loud,

To Violet Parr (stop)
Thank you for warning (stop)
Intruder caught inside hotel (stop)
Being questioned now (stop)
Says his name is Arundel (stop)
Barry Grant

He handed her the slip to look at. "Sounds like someone from your past is extremely interested in finding you."

He looked over at Doug, "You'll update your people on all this?" Doug nodded to him. "Good. Would you also have Mr. Roosevelt and your General Winters cable me at their earliest convenience, please? We may need to have a sitdown between our two countries on all this."

"Yessir, I'll have them contact you," Doug replied.

The Prime Minister smiled fleetingly, worry gleaming briefly in his eyes, "Good. Thank you, Mr. Samson. You'll see to Miss Parr, please?" At Doug's nod again, he turned to Violet, "If you'll excuse us, Miss, Lord Churchill and I need to go deal with the Home Office. It was a pleasure to meet you."

Churchill patted the dumbfounded young woman's shoulder, a sympathetic note curbing his usual gruff brusqueness, "I'm sorry, my dear. We'll do all we can to help." He eyed Doug and Charlie balefully, "Won't we, gentlemen?"

Charlie nodded respectfully, "Yessir, Milord."

And with that, they were gone....

Violet Parr
Violet Parr

Feb-15-2007 15:11

As Churchill made his final address to her, Miss Parr’s mind had managed to escape his kind words. She was trying to collect her thoughts, and attempting to organize them: this was too much information to absorb in such little time.

Sahira Quadir was a Shaikha, daughter of an Emir, Isa ibn Salman Al Khalifah, Emir of Bahrain. Violet shuddered at the thought that she may have gotten so close to sealing the fate of Sahira, and unintentionally putting her life in danger. The political implications of such an occurrence flashed through Violet’s mind. She wondered if the Arabic man at Mr. Georges’ office also came from Bahrain.

Though Bahrain, a tiny Island State in the Arabian Gulf, was not officially part of the Commonwealth, it was nevertheless a Protectorate of the British Crown –an oil rich Protectorate at that! She could not believe that she accused Sahira Quadir, daughter to the Emir of a British Protectorate, of malicious intent before the Prime Minister.

Who would attempt to murder such a fragile girl like Sahira? Worse yet, who would want her dead?! Violet could not think of any personal enemies… Of course many of the suspects she dealt with throughout her career as a detective did not like her, but who would loathe her enough to want her dead?

Violet Parr
Violet Parr

Feb-15-2007 15:16

“Miss Parr, are you alright?”

She awoke from her distant thoughts and raised her head slightly to see Doug and Charlie’s concerned looks. “Oh… I’ll be fine.” She managed a smile. “Thank you… you are both so kind… you have been so kind in your attempts to protect me all along. I had no idea… I… Did the Prime Minister mention the capture of an Arundel?”

“He did.” Doug answered her simply.

“Oh god… It could not have been a relative of mine… why… it mustn’t!”

“Miss Parr, please try and keep yourself composed.”

“I…” Violet started to breathe heavily. “I need to see my cousin… Charles Arundel… He was my Aunt Arabella’s nephew… He used to work for the British Army… Colonel… I believe… Aunt Arabella Arundel was a very controlling woman who never approved of his vulgar and promiscuous lifestyle... She threatened to… use her husband’s connections to… retire him from… the Army early on… if he… did not settle down…”

“Miss Parr, you are hyperventilating please calm down I-”

“I am… quite calm… Charles… please…I need… to… go…”

Violet got up very abruptly. All of the sudden the world around turned dark and obscure… She stopped hearing sounds… and she did not even feel her body as it crashed to the floor.

Violet Parr
Violet Parr

Feb-20-2007 09:24

Miss Violet Parr opened her eyes ever so slightly.

She cast what little vision she managed before her, and realized that a familiar though blurry face was looking down at her… Two familiar yet very blurry and obscure faces looking down at her… just then… a very familiar voice… the voice she more often than not called ‘home’: “Violet? Heaven’s sake… Violet…?”

Violet Parr could not manage much movement. Her brain was too focused on clarifying the images her eyes were viewing. She realized all of the sudden that she was being awakened from some sort of sleep.

All of the sudden there was an explosion in her senses: She felt the heat of another body embracing her own, heard the sound of strong weeping, and felt the warm tears accompanying it.

Then came the reoccurring, yet very simple, question: “Violet…? Violet….?”

“Mother… is that you?” Violet had awoken: her voice ever so faint.

“What have you gotten yourself involved in? What sadistic trial are you putting yourself and us through?!”

Then came a deep authoritative voice. “Madhuri, this is not the time for such talk.”

“Father…?” Violet’s head turned, her eyes now wide open, and her voice a little stronger. Her brain had finally translated the obscure faces and images her vision caught earlier. Violet Parr was lying in her own bed, in her London apartment, before her two parents: Sir Albert Parr & Mrs. Madhuri Parr.

Violet Parr
Violet Parr

Feb-22-2007 11:21

Violet tightened the purple bathrobe she was wearing over her lilac nightgown around her shoulders. Her eyes darted back and forth between her mother and father. Their faces stern and to an extent concerned.

Madhuri Parr spoke first. "It all seems extraordinary..."
Sir Albert Parr agreed. "So it does..."

Violet decided to continue. "... and then I woke up and found myself in bed, and found you two sitting on either side of me... Father calm and collected... and mother... well you were weeping I suppose-"

"Would you blame me Violet?"
Miss Parr thought for a second then responded absent-mindedly. "No, not at all... I suppose I should be the one weeping and thanking God for being alive. Who brought me in?"

Sir Albert replied promptly. "A Mr. Samson and a Charlie fellow... The two chaps had a doctor with them... They assured us that you fainted from sheer stress and exhaustion."

"Father I am never stressed." Violet shot her swift response.
"Hah!" Came her mother's answer to that.

Violet shook off her slight irritation and continued speaking with her father. "Is my cousin Charles alright? He is the only Arundel I suspect of being up to no good... After all, he came very close to murdering Aunt Arabella, if you well remember... But I do not understand what he could possibly have to do with Mr. Georges... or the Arab... or why Barry's name was mentioned in all this..."

Sir Albert Parr got up and put his hand on his daughter's shoulder. "None of this currently matters dear. What matters now is that you are safe and that you shall stay safe and away from trouble. Won't you dear?"

Violet was daydreaming.

"Won't you?!" Mrs. Madhuri Parr snapped.

Violet Parr merely glanced at her mother's direction. "Indeed."

Violet Parr
Violet Parr

Feb-25-2007 08:57

An hour after Violet’s parents left, a man entered her apartment as she was unpacking her suitcase. The man quietly walked towards Violet slowly coming up from behind her. Miss Parr was busy unpacking her suitcase, and to the man’s sheer shock, Violet started to repack her suitcase with new clothes and items once she emptied it out.

Violet then unexpectedly turned as she was folding a clean violet scarf. She saw the man and, startled, shrieked with a mixture of horror and excitement. The man jumped back startled himself before attempting to approach and hug her.

Violet hugged him briefly, then pushed him back and gently slapped him. “There is a bell Leopold! You cannot just walk into people’s apartments!”

Leopold Parr answered gently. “But it’s my little sister’s apartment.”

Violet reiterated. “There is a bell Leopold! Next time ring it and do not get fresh with me! We’ve had this conversation about your manners before.”

Leopold gave her a sly smile. “I heard you survived numerous attempts on your life.”

Violet was shocked. “Do not be absurd Leopold, I beg of you!”

“Well mother called weeping, saying you were going to be killed by some secret mafia agents running loose in London.”

“Mother does not know what she is talking about. I am perfectly safe wherever I am in the world. I have faith in the divine protection awarded to me. Besides, people do not just randomly get killed!”

Leopold was puzzled. “I thought the reason why you are able to make a living is because people do indeed get randomly killed-”

“Don’t get fresh with me Leopold. I am alive, I am well…”

“And I am hungry.” Leopold concluded. “I have been craving your cheese & chutney finger sandwiches ever since I heard you traveled to New York.”

“Well…” Violet said apologetically. “Your craving will have to wait a while longer. I am in such a rush; I have no time to make you dinner Leopold. You should just get married and save us all the hassle of looking after you.”

Violet Parr
Violet Parr

Feb-25-2007 08:58

“It’s one after midnight! What’s the rush?”

“I need to pack and rest. I am leaving to New York again early in the morning.”

Leopold stuttered. “But… you can’t… you just got here!”

“I can and I know. Nevertheless, there is nothing for me to do in London and everything to do in New York.”

“What’s in New York that London can’t offer you Vi?”

“Answers… many answers... to many questions…”

Leopold did not understand. “Come again?”

Violet grabbed her brother’s hand and started leading him towards the door. “I know this may seem terribly rude of me Leopold, but I am glad to see you… even if it does not show… I am actually so glad to see you I will ask a favour of you.”

Leopold was now at the door not knowing what to say. “Sure! Anything you want, seeing that you refuse to make me finger sandwiches!”

“Next time I am in London –I promise- I will cater for you for a whole week.” Violet pushed on. “I do not want my parents to know of my decision to travel back to New York. Leopold please see to it that they do not know.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“I don’t know. Send them a telegram saying we traveled together to Leicester or something... Better yet, Coventry. Think of something.”

“Violet, what are you doing?”

“I will send you a letter from New York. I promise.”

Leopold appeared for once truly concerned. “Well… whatever you plan to do… be careful…”

Violet sighed. “I always am.”

Pinball Amateur

Mar-1-2007 02:26

Doug and Charlie knocked on Miss Parr's apartment door early the next morning. There was no answer, and all the windows were dark.

Doug looked at Charlie, disbelief in his eyes, "Sonuva...she wouldn't have...would she?"

Charlie just silently stared back at him.

Doug ran his hand through his hair wearily, "The Bosses are gonna bloody LOVE this. Let's go."

They turned and headed downstairs, and off to Bletchley Park again....

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