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The Story of Miss Violet Parr
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Violet Parr
Violet Parr

Feb-9-2007 16:26

Miss Violet Parr smiled politely at the beggar who nearly bumped into her as she walked as fast as she possibly could through the streets of New York. Though Miss Parr felt sick to the stomach, she managed to smile at someone most people around her managed to ignore. The man, puzzled, looked at her from behind his shoulder as he walked away.

Adamant that she should not physically run into another person or, worse yet, an automobile, Violet Parr sat on the steps of a rundown bakery. Her mind twirled with the thoughts that attacked it when she was checking out of the Broadway Plaza Hotel.

She braced herself and tried very hard to empty her mind from thoughts… She could not…

Violet Parr was very good at escaping her present moments. She easily drifted away in thought, though she always attempted to conceal her daydreaming as much as possible. Nevertheless, she could never escape the past. Thoughts of her last visit to New York crept into her mind despite her.

She glanced at the New York streets and sidewalks absentmindedly as her mind dragged her back into the alleys of her memory.


Violet Parr
Violet Parr

Feb-9-2007 16:32

Miss Violet Parr carefully removed her violet hat as she eyed Mr. Frank Georges, the owner of the Marquee Theatre: a rundown stage which made very little money -by far not enough to justify the lavish wealth of the man who sat before her.

“Miss Parr, what can I do for you?”

“Good day Mr. Georges. Let me start by appreciating your newly decorated office. I am actually working on a case, and am here seeking your help and kind assistance.”

“You always manage a pleasant entrance into people’s lives that leads to a very unpleasant exit don’t you Miss Parr?”

“That is very unkind Mr. Georges. A man of your stature and honesty should not be upset by a few questions.” She recalled questioning this man once or twice before in cases she worked on, and, due to her line of work, she never trusted a familiar face.

“Come off it Miss Parr, who do you want to know?”

“Actually, it is concerning the murder of Victor Adams. I was told you two were friends. Would you know of anyone who could possible have a motive to want Mr. Adams’ demise? Or at least-” She was cut short, as she sensed the sudden arrival of someone into Mr. Georges’ office… A visitor... she looked behind her shoulder: A man…

Violet Parr
Violet Parr

Feb-9-2007 16:33

The man looked at her suspiciously as she smiled at him politely: his complexion was tanned, his hair jet black, and a very cold look washed over his face.

Violet Parr shuddered, and tightened her purple feather boa around her shoulders: She was never sure if she could sense the presence of evil, but she was definite that this man was no good.

The man, very suddenly, spoke with a very thick broken English accent: “Mister Georges, I talk you?”

The man nodded towards Miss Parr. Violet took the hint and got up, ready to leave, but Mr. Georges spoke up to stop her. “It’s ok Miss Parr, this shouldn’t take long.”

Violet reluctantly sat back in her seat, the man standing behind her still eyeing her suspiciously.

“Min hathy?”

Violet Parr was suddenly alert, but she managed not to show it. The man spoke in a foreign tongue that was not entirely alien to her upbringing. She had visited the Middle East enough times to realize and understand the most basic of Arabic phrases and sentence structures. Her mind gave her a rough translation. “Who is she?”

“Ensaha…” Georges replied. She was astonished to hear Mr. Georges speak Arabic. Her memory raced her astonishment to work on the translation which finally came: “(Forget her)… (Forget about her)… perhaps even just (Forget…)”

Mr. Georges had no idea she understood Arabic, and by staying she would be effectively eavesdropping. She could not possibly be so vulgar and rude. Could she? No she could not. Miss Parr got up.

“Mr. Georges, perhaps I can visit you some other time. I would not want to cause you any unnecessary inconveniences.”

Violet Parr
Violet Parr

Feb-9-2007 16:34

Georges looked at her, his face irritated. “Miss Parr, please stay, this should not take a second.”

Violet was annoyed herself as she always faced difficulties when anyone displayed a poor show of manners. “It is rude to speak in a language I do not fully comprehend Mr. Georges.”

“Do excuse us. The man does not speak much English. He only understands… Turkish… So if you don’t mind…”

The fact that Mr. Georges had concealed the fact that they were speaking Arabic both intrigued and further alerted Miss Parr. She decided that this must be related to the case she is working on… What would Mr. Georges have to hide? Miss Parr smiled politely and sat back down.

“Oh I do not mind at all Mr. Georges… Please feel free to go ahead and speak… Turkish.”

Violet Parr
Violet Parr

Feb-9-2007 16:37

Her memory was cut short-

Miss Parr was startled as a man came out of the rundown Bakery behind her. “Can I help you Miss? You’re blocking the entrance.”

Miss Parr turned to see a man that looked very much like a Baker. “Oh, how very thoughtless of me… I’m sorry...” She got up and walked away with a smile on her face.

She was glad to see someone who did not look suspicious, but very, very ordinary for a change.

R Anstett
R Anstett

Feb-10-2007 11:53

He smiled at her as he walked out of the bakery with the cake safely wrapped in its box.

"She did seem to be everywhere," he thought to himself. "Of course that purple color did make her stand out as well as her dark tresses. "

He shook his head, good that people were paying attention to things now a days. Hopefully there would be even more to see soon.

Violet Parr
Violet Parr

Feb-12-2007 04:01

Miss Violet Parr entered her cabin right before the ship she was onboard set sail for England. She dropped her suitcase flatly to the floor and collapsed on the paltry single bed the cabin had to offer. She opened her eyes and allowed herself to stare blankly at the ceiling. She still had not escaped the conversation she overheard some time ago at Mr. Georges’ office.

It was all a blur in retrospect. She could not decipher the difficult dialogue in its entirety. Yet she is almost certain that she heard the name ‘Barry’ and the words ‘Murder’ & ‘Death’. The name Barry was said in broken English, and she, to this day, recalls Mr. Frank Georges’ side glance towards her when the name was muttered.

“Miss Parr…” she remembers being told as she left Frank Georges’ office. “Please ignore anything you think you’ve understood here today.”

She remembers uttering a simple meaningless phrase. “You can trust in my discretion Mr. Georges.”

She did not think much of it at first, but when the famous detective Barry Grant –the only Barry she knew of- disappeared and was later hospitalized, she decided to make her way back to New York and warn him of grave danger she herself was not entirely sure about.

She noticed during her walk to the docks that the Marquee Theatre had been shut down finally, but wondered about the existence for any ulterior motives for that occurrence. Mr. Georges seemed to have been a powerful, well-connected man who would not at all need to shut down his baby –as she heard him refer to the Marquee Theatre many times.

If it was indeed Mr. Barry Grant the two men were referring to, what on earth would be the connection between Mr. Georges and Mr. Grant? She understood that a famous working detective, no matter how polite he or she could be, will inevitably make many enemies along the way. Nevertheless, she could not bring herself to believe that Barry Grant would indeed have enemies.

Violet Parr
Violet Parr

Feb-12-2007 04:02

All of the sudden she recalled the Broadway Plaza Hotel, and the hoax created to keep her at it for as long as possible. Her memory then shot to Sahira Quadir, who looked Arabic and had an Arab name which translated to ‘Sorceress’.

Could she have been connected to that man she saw at Mr. Georges’ office? What was she doing at the Broadway Plaza, the same hotel where Mr. Grant was? Could Miss Sahira have wished him ill? Worse yet, wish her ill?

She sat up and looked out her window towards the ocean… Perhaps she could put it all behind her once she arrives to London. After all, in her city of fog anything can be forgotten or lost… even an unpleasant, worrying memory.

Pinball Amateur

Feb-13-2007 22:02

British War Office
Intelligence Division
Bletchley Park, just outside London

Douglas Sullivan pinched the bridge of his nose and squeezed his eyes shut in disbelief, then read the dispatch again. Doug looked up from reading the coded telegraph message and at his colleague, Charlie Cobbe, who was sitting at a nearby desk patiently waiting. "She slipped through the dragnet in New York!"

Charlie's feet came crashing off the desk, "What?!"

Doug handed him the slip. "Some idiot purser on the Oceania let himself get sweet-talked by Violet Parr into letting her on board the ship! She's due here in London tomorrow morning.

Charlie read through the telegraph slowly, rubbing his stubbled chin as he studied it. He glanced up at Doug, "Looks like we get to go fishin' tomorrow."

Doug ran his hand wearily through his dark hair. "That woman has the best luck on the planet." He looked at Charlie morosely, "You read what happened to Sahira?"

A glacial tint to Charlie's light blue eyes was his only reaction, "Mmm."

Doug's emerald eyes were dark with anger, "You think whoever's after her'll be daft enough to do it again tomorrow?"

Charlie shrugged imperceptibly, "I know I don't wanna be ta daft bugger t' underestimate these blokes ag'in, whoever they are, or that bird, fer that matter." His thick accent sounded British, but could've been from any of a dozen different Commonwealth territories.

Doug nodded, then reached for the telephone on the desk, "Get me the Yard, please." He covered the mouthpiece as he waited for the connection to go through, "Wouldn't hurt to have some friends along to watch our backs on our sharkhunt tomorrow."

Charlie's mouth curled up slightly at that...

Pinball Amateur

Feb-13-2007 23:02

(Early the next morning....)
The London Docks
Pier #17

Fog blanketed much of the water, making visibility mediocre at best. The four men sitting in an unoccupied corner of the Harbormaster's Office, located in a second story warehouse above the docks, were blissfully unaffected by the damp cold at that moment as they carefully observed the already hectic bustle of dockworkers, passengers, tourists, and wharf rats dashing about below them.

One of the men pointed a stubby finger at the windowglass, "There. By t' gangplank. T' lout not doin' nowt, just standin' there."

The other three men nodded, noting the man's clothes and appearance. "That makes four," Doug murmured. They continued searching. Some minutes later, Charlie spotted a fifth man wandering aimlessly amongst the crowd.

Just then, they heard a ship-to-shore radio call from down the corridor. It was the Oceania, announcing its arrival into port. Doug looked at the other men, "Okay, there's our boat." He turned to the two plainclothesed Scotland Yard detectives, "Evan, will you and Nigel deal with the two goons we spotted over by that warehouse? Charlie and Murphy will take the others. I'll get the girl, and get her outta here, in case there's more people we haven't spotted. Remember, disable 'em if you can, take 'em down if you have to. We need the girl alive at all costs."

At Evan's silent nod, Doug checked his gun, leaving it unbuckled in his shoulder holster, then looked around at the others who were also checking their various weapons. "All set? Good, then let's do it." Silently, the four men slipped out the back of the Harbormaster's Office, down the stairs, and into the noisy crowd....

Pinball Amateur

Feb-13-2007 23:54

Fifteen minutes later, Doug waited patiently for the gangplank to be rolled over to the now-docked Oceania. So far, things had gone just as planned. The Brits, Evan and Nigel, had both detained their targets with few people being any the wiser. Charlie and Murphy had been even more stealthy. One second, they'd slipped out of the fog next to each of their targets. The next, both captors and prey had completely vanished.

Doug smiled furtively as he watched the passengers waiting to disembark from the ship. He spied a woman dressed entirely in purple, with a violet scarf wrapped around her head, carrying a small suitcase near the front of the line. 'Not exactly being subtle, is she,' he thought to himself, as he slipped into the shadows off to one side of the gangplank corridor to wait.

Miss Violet Parr hurried down the gangway, eager to be off the ship and back home in London. She was exhausted from the long trip and bad weather across the Atlantic, and from being confined in her tiny cabin the whole time. Suddenly, a hand wrapped firmly around her elbow.

"Darling! I've missed you!" a low male American voice murmured beside her.

Violet whirled around in stunned shock to find a tall, dark-haired, emerald-eyed man dressed neatly in an expensive three-piece suit and overcoat strolling beside her. "Who ARE you?" she whispered.

"Darling?" he replied, wounded, "You don't recognize your own fiancee? How could you?"

"WHAT?" Violet shrieked.

Doug chuckled silently to himself, then saw her glance wildly about, and felt her arm tense as she prepared to strike out at him, and he squeezed his hand around her arm bruisingly. "DON'T!" he growled lowly.

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