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Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Dec-15-2006 19:56

At long last, I've finally gotten around to adding a live chat to Sleuth. We're testing out this new feature to see how well it works, so bear with us in the sort term, if there are problems.

For now, you can chat in the bars in all of the cities, and in the Coffee Roaster in Cairo.

You need to have Flash installed on your browser in order to use this feature.

Please report any bugs here.


Lucky Stiff

Dec-17-2006 08:49

That happened to me mamaterra but when i completely closed my internet explorer then signed back in at sleuth, I have no problems now.

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Dec-17-2006 09:51

I doubt that your theme effects it. The chat client may occasionally have trouble connecting, particularly if your internet connection is slow or erratic. If that happens, the best thing to do is wait a minute and refresh the page.

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Dec-17-2006 09:52

MamaTerra, you should be able to get into chat now. I'll work on fixing that problem where chat is hanging onto your nickname when you lose your connection unexpectedly.

balash 2
balash 2

Dec-17-2006 14:42

chat is fun

Safety Officer

Dec-17-2006 14:45

For anyone who gets the 'blank screen' thing happening to them, I have found that after the page has fully loaded that by hitting refresh/reload seems to kick start it.

Chloe De Wynter
Chloe De Wynter

Dec-18-2006 02:55

Whenever I try to connect, I get a message saying chat is unavailable. This at the same time one of my agency members is using it. I assume it's a problem with my connection. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Adam Carter
Adam Carter
Big Winner

Dec-18-2006 15:15

I have noticed that when I have been in the chat about 10 minutes or so, I stop being able to send posts, and posts stop coming in, until I refresh the page. I don;t know if anyone else has experienced this or not.


Dec-20-2006 21:07

I seem to be still having trouble with chatting...when I pull it up all i get is it saying "connecting" then the screen freezes... nothing else happens...I tried hitting refresh...same thing happens...I hit refresh again.. waited 4 minutes (which is a long time for me LOL) ... still nothing changed..what am i doing wrong?? is there something i forgot to install?? I have done other live chats and it worked fine... let me know ..ok..

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Dec-21-2006 12:15

You may have to update your flash player. I haven't tested the chat with older versions of flash.

You can download the newest version here:

Old Shoe

Dec-27-2006 01:01


if you mean the page Admin is talking's the page at which you can download the newest version of flash.

if you mean "where is the chatroom?", it's in the bar and you get to it by clicking the "chat with other customers" link.

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