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QUESTIONable Conversation
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Sara Lou
Sara Lou

Dec-13-2006 11:19

Okay, in this game, you can only talk in questions. For example:

dude 1: can you dance?

dude 2 : why should I tell you?

dude 3: why shouldn't you tell him/her?

and etc.
Lets start: Who are you? (remember to answer in questions!)


Arabella Parker
Arabella Parker

Sep-5-2007 17:38

Why are we all talking about maps?

Farm A Sea
Farm A Sea
Old Shoe

Sep-5-2007 18:58

Would you like to talk about something else?

Talianna Periwinkle
Talianna Periwinkle

Sep-5-2007 19:03

Should we really talk about something else? Are we done having fun yet?

Ima Vagabond
Ima Vagabond

Sep-5-2007 20:20

Can we talk about llamas instead?

Battered Shoe

Sep-5-2007 20:40

Did I ever tell you the story about my pet llama Oscar and a one-eyed cat named George?

Lady Zeugirdor
Lady Zeugirdor
Pinball Amateur

Sep-5-2007 21:41

No you didn't. Would you tell it now?


Sep-5-2007 22:00

Is the the story about the time George shredded the map and Oscar chased him for three blocks? Haven't we already heard that story like 500 times?

Lady Zeugirdor
Lady Zeugirdor
Pinball Amateur

Sep-5-2007 22:32

If you've heard it 500 times before 1 more shouldn't hurt, should it?


Nov-16-2007 12:40

Why do all you people keep answering questions with questions?

Brady Quinn
Brady Quinn
Big Winner

Nov-16-2007 12:45

Are we doing that?

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