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Corrupt A Wish
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Bill Oakes
Bill Oakes

Sep-15-2006 02:30

This is a very simple and fun game. The first person makes a wish, and each following person finds some way to corrupt the wish and then makes a new wish. For example:

Person 1. I wish I had a dog

Person 2. You have a dog, but it dies the day after you get it

I wish I had a muffin

Person 3: You get a muffin, but you drop it and have to throw it away.

And so on.

Your firt wish to corrupt is this:

I wish I had a new car.


T. R. Wexler
T. R. Wexler

Sep-30-2006 18:36

Yup! Because your second to last, and they're last!
I wish I could get some contacts in Shanghai.
*I got my PE contact in Delhi without selling my pic! YAAY!:)*

Old Shoe

Sep-30-2006 21:22

You get two contacts in Shanghai today. But both are race horses, and neither is saying anything deeper than "Mr. Ed thinks he's sooooo fancy".

I wish I had a big boy exer-saucer to play in.

Safety Officer

Oct-1-2006 07:16

*poof* your a giant baby and you get your big-boy exer-saucer. Unfortunately Mrs Crunchy is none too pleased about the giant diaper situation and high tails it outa there...

I wish that the phrase 'silence is golden' was taken more seriously.

T. R. Wexler
T. R. Wexler

Oct-1-2006 08:53

It is! Now nobody talks.
I wish I could understand those racehoreses!

Marissa Peterson
Marissa Peterson
Old Shoe

Oct-1-2006 10:47

Sold!! *POOF!!* You're now a racehorse yourself, and have no trouble whatsoever understanding the rest of your equine brethren. Unfortunately, those human creatures are now total mysteries to you, and they feed you nothing but alfalfa hay, grain, and REAALLLY nasty vitamin powder. (Oh, and watch out for Turn 7; it's a Lulu!!)

I wish I could sleep in til noon on weekends.

T. R. Wexler
T. R. Wexler

Oct-1-2006 10:59

Yes, you can! Because there is no such thing as a weekend.
I wish I could get paid to play Sleuth

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Oct-1-2006 11:29

You do get paid to play Sleuth and earn a million dollars - but then the American economic system fails, America is overtaken by a small european nation and our currency becomes useless.

I wish I had something to do with this old pair of T. R. Wexler's glasses that I stole from her and now serve no purpose.

T. R. Wexler
T. R. Wexler

Oct-1-2006 12:32

Yes, alas, you do. You give them to Ben, who transforms them into Rasputin's eggs!
I wish I had enough exp to start a Villan Hunt

Rosamund Clifford
Rosamund Clifford
Tale Spinner

Oct-2-2006 00:21

You are the most experienced detective in Sleuthville and you chase your villain all around the world, but when you finally find his hideout he escapes to Cairo where you can't pursue him because of the blockade and the prince forbids you to return to Shangri-La forever.

I wish I could collect a book.

Christopher Leroy
Christopher Leroy
Old Shoe

Oct-2-2006 00:26

you can, but it's Where's Waldo... you can't enter Cairo until you find him, and he's VERY well-hidden. Oh, and you go blind from looking.

I wish I had a 3rd hand so I could feed my son and type quickly at the same time... :)

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