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Corrupt A Wish
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Bill Oakes
Bill Oakes

Sep-15-2006 02:30

This is a very simple and fun game. The first person makes a wish, and each following person finds some way to corrupt the wish and then makes a new wish. For example:

Person 1. I wish I had a dog

Person 2. You have a dog, but it dies the day after you get it

I wish I had a muffin

Person 3: You get a muffin, but you drop it and have to throw it away.

And so on.

Your firt wish to corrupt is this:

I wish I had a new car.


Bill Oakes
Bill Oakes

Sep-25-2006 14:39

All your work does do itself, so you get the sack.

I wish I could afford to pay for university.


Sep-25-2006 16:20

You make it to university but are utterly disappointed in the knowledge they're teaching you there.

I wish it we could just skip the upcoming autumn & winter with them dark gloomy days.

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Sep-25-2006 18:11

It's now summer, there's a heatwave, there's a global shortage of ice-cream and the air conditioning's broken.

(pedant's corner: 1912 not 1908?. Sorry. Can't help it.)

I wish I could freeze time while I snooze.

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Sep-26-2006 00:52

I wish I was married to Anthony Hopkins so I could lay in bed at night and listen to him read Shakespeare Sonnetts to me.

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Sep-26-2006 01:12

Oops - forgot a main ingredient:

Times feezes while you snooze, but only for you - the rest of the world moves on.

I wish I was married to Anthony Hopkins so I could lay in bed at night and listen to him read Shakespeare Sonnetts to me.

Old Shoe

Sep-26-2006 03:16

BAM! Sir Anthony= your squishy hubby but he sleeps in theHannibal Lecter mask and murmers, "...with a nice chianti f,f,f,f,f" when he gets restless.

I wish clowns were a bit less scary.

Victoria Florence
Victoria Florence

Sep-26-2006 07:58

They are less scary, but the universe demands balance and now mimes are absolutely terrifying.

I wish a CPA firm would hire me.

Belle Star
Belle Star
Washed Up Punter

Sep-26-2006 10:46

A CPA firm does hire you, but it's because your sleeping with the boss.

I wish i had a dime for every time i slept with the boss!!LOL

Reese Withers
Reese Withers

Sep-26-2006 11:09

You get millions of dimes, but now you must answer the question, as to why you have somany of them

I wish I could meet Vin Diesel :)


Sep-26-2006 11:16

you meet Vin spend the whole time watching how many attention het gets from so many totally depresses you....

I wish I were the one guy who decides what Hollywood movies will be produced and which ones will never be released

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