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Agent Andrew
Agent Andrew

Sep-3-2006 01:42

The rules are quite simple...

^ Say something about the previous sleuth.
< Say something about yourself.
V Make a prediction about the next sleuth.


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Nov-4-2007 23:53

^fooled her, the Canadian Thanksgiving was Oct. 8. & no syrup

<American living in Canada so has 2 Thanksgivings. Still no syrup.

v Wants to try water skiing but can't figure out how to hold the poles.

Old Shoe

Nov-6-2007 00:57

^has a crush on her Polish water-ski instructor but too shy to touch him with a ten-foot slalom perogi. I believe his name is Jacek Vatervsky.
< Did okay once he figured out that the inside scoop was to hold them in your teeth, and didn't need those 3 molars anyways.
v Just kicked over a maple tree, with the help of a club-footed zoo monkey.

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Nov-9-2007 02:55

^shy and verbally challanged..

<blind and stupid

v Understands Cruchy's lifeskills problems and ready to explain them to him in layman terms.


Nov-9-2007 10:35

^ called for a Crunchpatty intervention because she cares

< all ready to sit Crunchpatty down in a quiet, stuffy, over-decorated room and explain to him how all of his problems can be solved with a steady intake of cheap gin

v once dyed their hair purple

Scarletta Jones
Scarletta Jones

Nov-9-2007 18:05

^ is the reason why my hair is now permanently purple (and I believed you when you said it was just purple shampoo)

< would be honored to share her gin with crunch in order to help him with his "problems"

v enjoys the simple things in life

Old Shoe

Nov-9-2007 23:46

^ clearly considers a DUI charge a "simple thing", and is taking a road trip with Paris Hilton to prove it, promote the status of pig farmers and expunge her record.
< missed responding directly to Sophie by a wet Polish mile, but would take sides with Nina Simone and fight the army and navy if someone brought me my gin-ski
v considers an IUD part of the "simple life".

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Nov-13-2007 18:45

IUD, best device known to woman! Intelligence Updating Device. Unfortunatly doesn't work on ^

<once again is inviting crunchy to come see her beautiful little lab ;)

v wore nothing but a speedo to the Indy 500, thinking it was a theme party

Kevin Greene
Kevin Greene
Old Shoe

Nov-13-2007 21:00

^Wore a speedo to her Halloween party. Claimed she was Jay Leno. :-)

<Knows that the ladies are trying to give Crunchy gin to get him drunk and in the bed. (God only knows why! :-) )

v Saw Bambi 8 times, and still, every time, pooped themselves because it was too scary. :-O


Nov-15-2007 10:12

^ shot bambi's mother and is eevviill

< thought that flower was the stupidest name for a skunk and the disney writers went way to far with irony

V thinks that bambi is the stripper they saw last night on COPS who was doing a little more than stripping.

Kevin Greene
Kevin Greene
Old Shoe

Nov-15-2007 20:46

No I don't and you know it!

Wait... was she that stripper??? REALLY??? She's a naughty little dear isn't she!

^ Is getting to be as funny as crunchpatty!

< Thought that Flower was the stupidest name for a skunk and the disney writers went way to far with irony.

v Sleeps with a giant crab.

The person who posts next: Do you sleep with one of your relatives??? :-)

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