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Old Shoe

Aug-30-2006 01:51

I heart stupidity. When you see it, post it here. I'll start.

Some of you know that I've do some teaching of first year sociology students in university. I really enjoy it, and love my students, but -GAWD- grading their work is a nightmare.

Through the course of a year, they have to write short essays on a range of topics ---feminism, Karl Marx, education, Freud, crime, etc. I feel kinda guilty laughing at these because of course they are writing under extreme pressure, but holy bobo I find them funny! Every so often, they write something so frickin' hysterical that it makes me gag laughing. These fleeting gems, I collect. Thought y'all might get a kick out of some of them.

Here we go. (nb, all typos and grammar boo boos are theirs from here on, not mine)

"Education is not really as old as many people think. It all came about in
the 1960s when the Russians were more advanced with outerspace."

"There is no evidence of women in society until the late 1990s"

"Freud is the classic theory of gender he believes the boy has the penis the girl has the clitoris simple as that"

"Freud said that a boy who plays too many dolls might be a p_ssy in later life"

"Feminists think women are the lowest of the low"

"Education is bias it only works for children who come from families where the parents are rich white and male"

"Hitlar believed in the destroying the Jews, however, his dictation only lasted until he was alive, after it was forgotten."

"Weber saw society from his eyes"

"someone from the low class is no good to us. we don't see them as nonsuccessful. That is because of sociology"

"Max Weber is a known and accredited sociologist"

"All around us in our society it is, said to be all around us these 'bureacracy' for example God is higher than Jeesus. The boss."



Jun-5-2007 17:02

On the note of Law firms, here are some of the dumbest law firm names.

Lei and Lie (Pronounced Lie and Lie)

Leach, Beastie, and McGredy (Prouncouced Leech, Beasty, and McGreedy)

and my favorite: Slappy and Sadd.

Scarletta Jones
Scarletta Jones

Jun-5-2007 17:33

Now that's irony. Lol.


Jun-5-2007 17:47

There's this girl in my social studies class who isn't so bright. The class was talking about what kind of spices that were being traded in the late 1500s when the girl decided to say randomly..."I love Ketchup, I love to put it on everything."...Yeah, right. Then five minutes later she said randomly, "Did you know vanilla can make you drunk?"
Welcome to my life.


Jun-5-2007 18:58

In CA Geography is a mandatory class. My younger brother was telling me about how dumb some of his classmates are. They want to go the the country of New York and the state of Boston. And this is a High School class!

Safety Officer

Jun-5-2007 19:52

I saw an episode of the 'Great Race' or whatever it's called, and a US family hit the Canadian border, and one of the kids went to jump out of the car, but then turned to the rest of the family and said "How do I say 'Where is the such and such' "

At least one member of the family eventually had the good grace to say "We're in Canada, they speak English". But it was touch and go there for a while, coz even mum in the back seat was looking pretty blank.

Old Shoe

Jun-5-2007 21:30

¿Que? Yo no comprendo, Señor Squirrel. Mira, aquí en Canada hablamos Español!

Safety Officer

Jun-5-2007 23:04

Can I have that with a side-serve of nachos?


Jun-7-2007 05:06

Alas, I will no longer be sharing my pain on this thread, as I finally quit my " Stupid" job!! At least I have some more time to Sleuth now :)

Lucky Stiff

Jun-7-2007 09:33

There's stupid people in every job Tin, I'm SURE you'll run across some new fodder!

An office memo from the office manager in the main office.

Good Afternoon,
Please make sure all windows are closed before you leave this evening. This includes any windows opened in the reception area, hallway to the kitchen, and kitchen. I cannot close any windows because:
1. I am not tall enough to reach them.
2. I injured my back so there is no lifting or straining.
Thank you.

These are small, normal sized windows that slide either side to side or up and down, maybe about four feet off the ground? She's about, oh, 5'2 or so?

Sad part is, she also sent this to field employees who don't step foot in the building.

Old Shoe

Sep-26-2007 00:50


Okay, so I'm spending a lot of time at the local YMCA these days. Minus the assless leather chaps, for any of you bondage fashionistas who might be counting. Not that I can't be swayed...

On the wall infront of my favourite elliptical trainy-thingy/ grown up exersaucer is a sign with two columns; the first of which presents a traditional lunch item, the second of which suggests a lower fat alternative. Some excerpts:

Column A Column B
High fat meat. Low fat meat! Try turkey!
Mayonnaise Low fat mayonnaise!
Pizza Lunch Cold Pizza, Melon balls and milk.

Yeah, congealing that fat is gonna make it And the melon balls make it a party!

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