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Constantine Maroulis
Constantine Maroulis

Jul-11-2006 19:29

Are most of you people married? Is there anyone out there who's young like me?



Oct-1-2007 15:43

I am not maried of course because I'm only well young ok?

Madame Pamela
Madame Pamela

Oct-3-2007 12:38

Been married twice, really doubt if I would do it again. Most men don't like the fact that I have 6 grandchildren plus I work full time. I don't have the time to devote to a serious relationship. Granted at 56, I am still young enough to jump the broom but outlook is not favorable.

Old Shoe

Oct-3-2007 23:19

Hell, at 33 I already have weak broom-jumping skills.

I can totally beat my dustbuster at dodgeball though... it says 'Braun' right on his forehead, but his throwing arm is actually really weak.

Madame Pamela
Madame Pamela

Oct-4-2007 06:07

At 33 I was on #2. I can beat my dustbuster at dodgeball too but of course that isn't saying much is it. My legs are long so jumping the broom doesn't require much from my end.

Miss Toria
Miss Toria

Oct-4-2007 07:54

Married. I was 24 when I got married to the sweetest guy ever!
So, we've been married over two years now and still feels like honeymoon.

For those who are not married yet: Be sure it is the right one before you get married. It is totally worth the wait!!!


Oct-9-2007 12:57

I agree with the previous posts. Age is a state of mind. Not the condition of your body. You could be three and have the maturity of a ten year old. You could be 51 and feel 20. Not that I am 51. ...(Ahem.)

Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd

Oct-12-2007 14:44

I've been married for 10 of my (almost) 29 years. It's had ups and downs of course, but not too many downs as I still feel quite young.

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