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How many times have you gone to "the Shady Character in the back"?
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Damien Thorn
Damien Thorn

May-26-2006 13:27

In the bar, there is a regular who is only referred to as "the Shady Character" in Sleuth. This character erases all the false accusations from your record, for a price of $400. In this board, you can post how many times you have gone to this person for your record to stay squeaky clean. Be honest! It can be a bit embarassing, but never mind that. As for me, I'm four days old, and I've only been there once. Note that I didn't even know what it was for... yeah. So what about you? How many times have you come near to losing your job? How many poor, innocent people have you wrongly accused?


Safety Officer

Jun-15-2006 17:11

Usually selling gear from favours is the standard way of making quick money.

Otherwise if you're subbed, you can go to Shanghai and bet on the horse races. It can be a quick way to make money if you're careful and don't get carried away and are LUCKY!

Also if you're subbed and in a nice agency, most of the time buying stuff and paying off shady can be sorted amongst the collective (i would reckonanyway).

Thta's about it really, methinks.

Happy sleuthing :)


Jun-17-2006 11:51


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