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What is your real profession?
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Charlie Cain
Charlie Cain

Apr-8-2006 08:43

I am just sitting here bored and wondered what everyones profession is.

Since its my thread I will go first.........

I am a U.S. Marine, my job in the Marines is Infantry and I really do enjoy it. I have been in for almost eight years but I'm going to get out soon and go into Law enforcement. I have always wanted to be a cop preferably a homicide detective cause I really like to put clues together to come up with a final solution.... Thats probably why Sleuth is so much fun for me. I have traveled to a few different countries like- Japan, Spain, Germany, Egypt, Africa, Kuwait, and yes Iraq. I would really like to travel to some other countries like the UK and Ireland and Scottland.

What about you?


Hamilton Drew
Hamilton Drew

Jul-17-2006 08:49

Librarian. Well, library assistant in the middle of qualifying to become a real librarian... In a higher education library.

Rica Fara Frica
Rica Fara Frica

Jul-17-2006 16:01


I am a student at the University of Psychology, in Romania. :D

DCI Thomas loughbrough
DCI Thomas loughbrough

Sep-2-2007 05:47

i'm a Lieutenant Colonel in the British Military police i love my job and would never ever quit it

Ima Vagabond
Ima Vagabond

Sep-2-2007 08:43

Bringing you Ghost moments since 1997....I'm a potter.

Armitage Shanks
Armitage Shanks

Sep-2-2007 09:23

I'm a preventive health care therapist or physio or whatchacallit and I've decided to study deeper about a couple of treatment methods that interest me so at the moment I work full time as a custodian, and extra as a bouncer on weekends and I help a friend run his café an evening or two a week as well.

Steve Long
Steve Long

Sep-2-2007 11:27

Mortgage Finance Advisor. And before you all frown at me, I'm not a broker I work for a big lender that is not facing bankruptcy.

DCI Thomas loughbrough
DCI Thomas loughbrough

Sep-2-2007 12:02

i'm a lieutenant colonel

Emma Barlowe
Emma Barlowe

Sep-2-2007 22:15

I'm a part-timer as a financial advisor assistant - BORING - but it gives me something to do to get away from the kiddies for a little while. :)

DCI Thomas loughbrough
DCI Thomas loughbrough

Sep-3-2007 04:52

i quit my job today and went back to my old one as Detective Inspector i'm being serious

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Sep-3-2007 09:51

Some of you may have read Deborha Lee's post and know what I do for a living, and some I've just told. For those that don't let me go ahead and post. I am a Specialized Special Education Autism Paraprofessional. In otherwords, I'm a teacher for children and adults that fall with in the ASD category. ASD=Autism Spectrum Disorder. These include Autism, Aspergers, Hyperlexia, Rett's Syndrome, PPD-NOS, and that's just to name a few!

I have also worked with people that have Epilepsy and Bi Polar Disease.

My job is extermely challenging, but very rewarding. Maybe one day I'll go back to college, but for now, this seems to be my calling. :)

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