Sleuth Home - Detective DCI Thomas loughbrough

Tough and Smart
6209 days
Disillusioned Police Detective
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Classic Sleuth
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Detective Biography

Wars change people: Some for the better, some for the worse and some loose their minds.
Thomas Loughbrough was born in a peaceful British village to a loving father who was an army colonel who was killed during the Somme and a teacher. He spent his childhood hoping to one day be a hero. That was until 1914
Thomas; nicked named Ol' Tommy went for officer training and was posted to the Somme. He fought bravely reaching the rank of Captain.
Thomas then joined the police force while still being a reserve for the British army (which he remained until his death). He solved many a case and brought justice to wrongdoers earning both enemies and dear friends.
Thomas had by the time of the Second World War risen to Chief Inspector and Lieutenant Colonel. During the war years he risked his life many a time to stop criminals taking advantage of the ensuring chaos the war brought with it.
After the war, Thomas chose to become a Barrister, handing in his badge but unofficially still helping.
In 1963, he was appointed a High Court Judge, in the Queens Bench Division. Here he really became a man of the law and an honored member of the High Court who never compromised his principles.
As a serial womanizer, Thomas had many a lover. But one stood out. One who he let flee justice. To this day, it baffles people as to why. However, his illegitimate son may be a clue…..
Tragically, Thomas was killed by an IRA terrorist bomb attack just a day before he was due to retire. Thomas had jumped on top of the bomb to shield the innocent civilians who were going by their normal business.


Order o Socrates:  Poor(-3)
Arcanum Brthrhd:  Poor(-3)
Cosa Nostra:  Good(10)
Eastern Triads:  Poor(-3)
Circle of Light:  Poor(-3)
Green Hand:  Poor(-3)
The Tea Steepers:  Neutral(0)
Shangri La Tigers:  Neutral(0)



Arch Villains

None Caught

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