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Which skill next?
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Jul-30-2004 20:49

I am smart and charming and I already have: thread, rule bending, lock picking, research and sweet talking. What would you suggest I get next?


Hard Boiled
Hard Boiled

Aug-1-2004 10:12

Ah, yes, that is the key. Choose one method, and stick to it all the way through. Then move on. (My point of view is skewed due to the fact that I have no evidence contact yet and I am "very tough".)

It has been said many times but bears repeating, the one method you stick to first should match your character type.


Aug-1-2004 18:18

Well I have the advanced smooth talking and I still get people clamming up on the easy level. I've had to quit a couple cause no one would talk to me and the favors (them being intermediate and me still on the easy cases) are almost impossible. I must be doing something wrong.


Aug-1-2004 19:10

be sure that you are wearing clothing that will accentuate your skills... suspects still clam up on me, they clam up eventually on everyone. you have to find a way to work around it.


Aug-2-2004 08:07

Sorry - I didn't quite get it. I DO agree with Elsey you need basic hair and thread right from the start or you will never find clues. I think your starter kit should be those two plus your basic (tough or charm) questioning skills.
You just don't want to mix tough and charming skills - pick one or the other depending on your basic type. Other smarts (adv. thread, adv. hair, foot, thread) are nice but can be deferred.


Aug-2-2004 08:43

As the levels get harder, even with advanced sweet talking and very charming clothes (total score +18) you can only get two or three questions out of some suspects, sometimes only one. You really need a combination of smarts and either charm or tough skills.

I agree that starting out you should go for hair and thread skills first, then sweet talking and rule bending (or their tough equivalents).

Being tough and charming seems to be the only bad combination of attributes.


Aug-2-2004 13:10

I like physical evidence, because witnesses and suspects lie, and you can never ask every witness about every suspect - they always clam up after one or two questions. So you can rarely rule someone out based on witnesses.


Aug-2-2004 13:16

but she's not playing levels that are that hard yet

Hard Boiled
Hard Boiled

Aug-2-2004 19:08

I regularly rule out suspects based on only witness evidence. I usually solve cases exclusively on witness evidence. I occasionally use physical evidence to eliminate suspects. I rarely use physical evidence to solve a case.

Different strokes...

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