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Which skills are useless
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Dec-4-2005 11:46

We have a thread about the favourite skills, but which one is in your opinion most useless? Or not the best choice at the beginning?
I would say i don't understand the reason to use Judge of character...i think it may be useful when you have got Charm and Tough equipment in agency, but you still have to go to agency,change clothes, go back to suspect who can clammed up as well...


Big Sherlock
Big Sherlock

Dec-4-2005 19:38

research rocks

Effie Mae
Effie Mae
Old Shoe

Dec-4-2005 23:44

What exactly does research do?


Dec-5-2005 00:59

Research allows you to rule out one suspect with a fake/none of your business alibi :)

Pinball Amateur

Dec-5-2005 06:07

I don't think I'd really call any skill useless, though most can seem that way if a skill type isn't available (like if you have a low number for the charm rating, and don't have a way to raise the number, you'd likely find Sweet Talking useless - however a detective with a high number for a charm rating would find the skill very helpful). So the usefulness of most skills just depends on a detectives statistics. Some, like Judge of Character, always seem to work though.


Dec-5-2005 09:32

I think stress detection is pretty useless. Judge of character and faction skills are usefull but I would only get those after you have almost everything else.

Old Shoe

Dec-5-2005 10:40

i´d say stress detection is very useful. After sweet talking (or rule bending for townies) I can always tell if suspect (townie) is willing to answer one or two questions more. for example I have 2 Curly Hair, and I want to ask Barber. So with Stress Detection I know if he´s willing to ask one or two questions more.
for me Judge of character is useless, it always turns to "being nice".


Dec-5-2005 14:14

yeah what is the point of judge of character?
Stress detection and research ARE SO useful skills!


Dec-5-2005 14:39

judge of character is useful, when you have all of the skills from one side and don't know what to do... :) but serious... townies and suspect can be more talkative when you use the right skill to make them speak, so you just have to check should you interrogate or talk sweet to them :)...i hope it's true, i don't have it and it's only my idea how should it works...


Dec-5-2005 16:29

That's exactly how it works, Porno. Unless you have both tough and charming skills, it won't do you any good, which is why it really isn't a beginner skill.


Dec-6-2005 04:20

I would add that judge skill will be only usefull if you have accses to locker. So if you have charm and tough skills and also charm and tough outfits you could use the skill to see which is better to use and change accordingly.

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