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18000!! to shady!
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mave nave
mave nave
Old Shoe

Dec-2-2005 11:47

I just guessed wrong and it will cost 18000 to remove this case -- isn't this excessive?


Chelsea Bando
Chelsea Bando

Dec-2-2005 12:59

It might seem that way but if you do easy cases and then lots of favors you can sell stuff and make the money.


Dec-2-2005 13:12

You are lucky...For me, to pay off Shady it is over $300,000

Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Dec-2-2005 13:27

Mave..believe me, it gets worse! I wish mine would cost $18,000 to pay off Shady *sigh* ;)

You can do as Chelsea says or you can subscribe and join an agency. Most help their agents by loaning them what they need, even if its half, to pay Shady off. :) Can be less stressful,rather than being on your own trying to pay him.

Colonel Shanty
Colonel Shanty

Dec-2-2005 14:16

Oh goodness! That's a fortune! *Takes out his Deringer Pistol* Time to pay Shady a visit...
*Stalks off to the Tricky Mister*

Celeste Moody
Celeste Moody

Dec-2-2005 15:05

Whoa, Colonel Shanty, slow down. You don't want to do something you'll regret.


Dec-2-2005 15:21

HA! Last time I paid off Shady, it cost me $600,000!!!

Colonel Shanty
Colonel Shanty

Dec-2-2005 22:25

Celeste - the deed is done. *Blows the smoking Deringer*
cfm - if that were real money, I would guess you would do the same thing, huh? ;)
Someday Shady will get his reward for being greedy. You just never know...

Chelsea Bando
Chelsea Bando

Dec-3-2005 00:12

Colonel Shanty, you are under arrest for the murder of Shady at the Tricky Mister. Please come along quietly. *charms the colonel*

Dark Raven
Dark Raven
Trusted Informer

Dec-3-2005 06:03

Actually, Colonel Shanty missed, it was actually Shody he killed, Shady's long lost twin brother...

Colonel Shanty
Colonel Shanty

Dec-3-2005 07:24

Darn. ;)

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