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Jul-26-2004 17:11

I know there was an earlier thread about this, but it didn't answer my questions. When you have this skill, and it works on somebody, do they give you the motives they would have given you if you'd asked them the motives question? Do they give you anything besides motives? Does it work on shop keepers? What percentage of the time does it work-like, 50% of the time the person will go into a trance?


The Hongmeister
The Hongmeister

Jul-27-2004 00:36

It's only worked about 20% of the time for me - does anyone know what its effectiveness depends on?

Sir James
Sir James

Jul-27-2004 03:59

It should depend on your charms, but I see you are very charming and also wearing very pretty accesories, so I'm confused.

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Jul-27-2004 12:36

The chances for success should be significantly better than 20%, particularly with good smarts equipment. Perhaps you've just been getting unlucky?

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