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Nov-22-2005 12:17


An Zo
An Zo

Nov-23-2005 09:52

Probably you didn't solve the favor immediatly after having "gained" it.
I mean:
-you had a favor waiting to start
-you start a case instead and solved it (count it as 1)
-you solved the favor (count it as 2)
-you solved other two cases (3 and 4)
-you received another favor

Anyway the rule is that after 4 cases (normal case or favor, doesn't matter) solved you receive a favor.

R Anstett
R Anstett

Nov-23-2005 13:46

But the problem with that set up is I often turn in lots of cases between favors. I save a favor we need for future hunts, then turn in 5 or more cases in the mean time.

I do think that is when I have only needed 2 to earn the next favor.

There might also be a slithly randomness to it so that we can't get a specific number that works all the time.


Nov-25-2005 08:56

Or it might reset after every three?

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