I want to join an agency.
Oct-23-2005 08:02
I would like to find a really good agency to join. If anyone has a good agency please let me know.
Replies |
An Zo
Oct-23-2005 10:36
I'll send you an invitation.
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper
Oct-23-2005 11:34
Magenta, Im the Director at Behind Closed Doors. We're an agency thats been around a lil while and are active in treasure hunts. We're a great group with alot of experienced detectives. I will send you an invite as well,should u be interested! We're based in Delhi!
P. Rockwell
Oct-23-2005 21:30
interesting, anouther person comes back, after being gone a while. Mojo's would love ya too. We just hired CM41904 who is similiarly coming back after a leave of abence.