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Smoky Joe
Smoky Joe

Oct-23-2005 00:22

So how much money should i save up before accepting larry's directions? cuz i don't wanna finally find the place and have no money to buy anything..



Oct-26-2005 14:31

i pay 500 to larry for the location and cant go there! the map is the same and there are no new options on the other places


Oct-26-2005 14:56

you can't see Big Lucy's. You have to hold your mouse cursor over the spot that Larry says she's in, then your cursor will change to a little hand and you can get in there


Oct-26-2005 21:31

I paid larry the 500 and he said she was going to be at the docks tonight... I moused over and went into the docks but I got the same page I always get.

Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Oct-26-2005 21:40

It wont be right on the docks will be NEAR a place he says. Like when I did it, Lucy's was just west of the restaurant, so I kept moving my mouse until it came up a hand,then clicked. There was Lucy's :)


Oct-26-2005 22:06

Bleh, I can't find it. If I did the case earlier today, and paid larry the 500 then, but logged off, can I still visit her? Or will she be gone?
(wow, sorry about the really long run-on sentence, i hate english)


Oct-26-2005 23:54

If you start a new case after paying Larry, you will not be able to find Lucy.


Oct-27-2005 07:00

Sometimes its hard to see the cursor changing but if you look at the balk under your screen you'll see that the text is changing as well. That is how I found it.

Smoky Joe
Smoky Joe

Oct-29-2005 23:05

i recently paid him 500 bucks but i got an error page, then i refreshed and the instructions were gone.. :/


Oct-29-2005 23:24

Joe, honestly, you won't get much out of it if you DO go now. Wait a while. If any other mods think I am saying too much here, you are welcome to delete my response, but the message board at Lucy's is full of disappointed people wondering why they came. Until you have LOTS of money to burn there or you're subscribed and in an agency, there's not a lot of point in making yourself crazy over getting there, only to post a message about how you shouldn't have bothered.

If you're determined, you should have enough information in this thread to be able to do it. And if you want more, a search of the boards will find much more on Larry and Lucy. I think there's even a mod pick or two on it.

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