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Getting Kicked to Login Screen

Colonel Shanty
Colonel Shanty

Oct-22-2005 20:19

I try to find out more motives for suspects . . . and I get kicked back to the Login screen. This happens frequently. I already sent in a bug report. I can't solve any cases with this happening!!


Lavender Crompton
Lavender Crompton

Oct-22-2005 20:33

The same thing is happening to me. I can ask everything except motives.

Colonel Shanty
Colonel Shanty

Oct-22-2005 20:36

This is happening to everyone, Lavender. I'm scared. Sleuthing is great to pass the time, but now I don't have anything to pass the time on. *runs off for a sip of strong brewed coffee*

Moon Lighter
Moon Lighter

Oct-22-2005 20:53

Yes it appears everyone is having the problem. I can open a case but it boots me to the log in screen. Then when I search the crime scene it says I discovered no evidence. I am doing almost impossible cases and it never tells me i found nothing.

Anyway, there is another thread that has addressed this issue and I am sure Ben is doing everything he can to fix it as fast as he can. Hang in there guys.

*Is tired of the withdrawls and runs to the tricky mister to drink away her boredom*

Det watson
Det watson

Oct-22-2005 21:21

this is happening to me tooooo

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Oct-22-2005 23:24

This problem should now be fixed, it was happening today due to a database problem after this morning's crash, however...

If you started a case on Saturday, it probably was bugged and unplayable. If so, you will need to quit those cases and start new ones.


Oct-23-2005 00:03

Yep, me too. And my current case now (started yesterday) has zero PE and nobody knows anyone with a that I can finally ask about them!


Oct-23-2005 01:40

i also having this problem too. i cant ask any motives and not even find any clues in my intermediate case. i usually will find at least 2 clues in the intermediate case. i was also getting kicked when go in to any place in the map

Colonel Shanty
Colonel Shanty

Oct-23-2005 07:02

Thanks, Ben

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