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Finding suspects
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Sep-29-2005 09:57

Where can i locate a person that the client (or anyone else) informs me that is a suspect?


Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Sep-29-2005 19:13

When you are at a dead end you have no choice but to quit. (it doesnt go against you) Start again and maybe u will have better luck :) Try the Tutorial again, maybe you are missing something. Never hurts to double check :)


Sep-29-2005 19:22

How do I quit?

Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Sep-29-2005 19:26

On the left top side, there is a tab called "case"...go there, and u will see a link that says "Quit Case" that and viola! You've quit :)


Sep-29-2005 20:38

Did you talk to the banker? Since it's your first case, you probably haven't learned yet who to visit to get help with the differing pieces of evidence. Talk to the banker and see if s/he can help you.

Andrea Spedding
Andrea Spedding

Sep-30-2005 04:57

Just a thought, Corvis: when you say
"But now, even when I go to check their alibi, they don't apear in the list. "
Make sure you click the Map tab at the top, rather than just using your back button, otherwise you'll get an old version of the list which may not have the person you want to interview on it.


Sep-30-2005 05:22

Fitst of all, thank you all for the reply.
The "Quit Case" link does't exist in the "Case" tab. Andrea, I believe you're right. I think the banker has some clues, but he keeps refusing to talk to me. So as the client. Both tells me that they had enough of my questions.

Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Sep-30-2005 06:44

The quit case does exist in the "Case Tab. It is on your top right hand side of the page ;)

Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Sep-30-2005 06:48

When you are working on a case, and u want to quit....while your case is opened, go to the Case tab and on the top right side, you will see a link that says "Continue Investigation" and a link right below that, that says "Quit Case". :) Just wanted to make sure your case was opened when you go to the case tab..if its not, then the link wont be there. Good luck!


Sep-30-2005 08:11

Probalby I'm doing something wrong, but I can't find any of the links you've told.

Crash Walker
Crash Walker
Old Shoe

Sep-30-2005 08:48

Along the top of the screen you can see 4 tabs, labelled "CASE" , "MAP" , "DETECTIVE" and "CITY HALL" (you clicked on City Hall to get to this message board). Click on the one that says "CASE". This should give you details of the case you are currently working on, Suspect Names with pictures, plus any evidence found. You will also see in the top right hand corner two Yellow Underlined links, one saying "Continue Case" and one saying "Quit Case" (or something similar). It might say "Search Crime Scene" if you haven't already done this. If you are seeing the screen that shows you the list of different cases you can choose from, then you have already quit the case.

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