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negative points?
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Gloria Rivers
Gloria Rivers

Sep-23-2005 16:12

O.o; wtf? I just started and I er....have -10 points to spend.... this is confusing i started with 0 points on another character i have, this one is the reformed burgaler.... any reason why i've got -10?

*confused* x.x;;


Gloria Rivers
Gloria Rivers

Sep-24-2005 13:04

i'm positive that it's skill points, and now that i've solved like 4 crimes, i have 0 points, where i should technically have 10 skill points.


Sep-25-2005 03:57

yeah, this happened to me when i first started out. I think it's because of the type of detective i choosed, and the skills i already have to begin with. These skills add up to a total of 26 skill points(SP)(for me), but all detectives only get 20 SP (in the beginning) so the SP was -6 for me. After doing a few cases and gaining some SP, it gradually becamse 0, then to positive number, which eventually i was able to purchase skills.

Gena Long
Gena Long
Sleuth About Town

Sep-25-2005 09:19

one of my agents was a reformed burgler and i did not have negative skill points when i started the game.


Sep-25-2005 23:40

Hmmm strange. I didnt think the game will let you choose more skills than 20 points worth in the begining.
Did you try bug report?
If so will you post Ben's answer here? I just want to know if this is truly possible.


Sep-26-2005 21:13

Interesting new discovery. It sounds like a bug to me; however, I'm with Reda in wanting to know if it's possible? Just like my case last week, when I opened it, there wasn't a client or one suspect listed, but I had four pieces of evidence, and the deceased woman's name listed. I'm sure it was a bug, but anyway I quit it. Hopefully I won't get (DaRu crosses her fingers X:))


Sep-26-2005 21:30

hahahaha..this is hilarious. I admit my spouse and I are very close & one at heart, and do everything together, however, this reply was by me, and not you can see. Here's what happened, texan posted on the message board, then told me, "DaRu don't forget to log me out and you sign in." I told him sure, but as you can plainly see....I Well, I had to tell him what I done here, and as usual he just smiled about it. Just thought I'd explain...hehe.


Sep-26-2005 21:38

PS: I got off the subject of negative buy skill points, and hope I'm forgiven.
_ _
(*o*) <-----That's a face, lol!


Sep-27-2005 01:59

hahaha.. DaRu, you're forgiven..... (at least I forgive you, I don't know about others tho.. MUHAHA) I didn't know if it was a bug or not, coz it happened when i was a super newbie, so i didn't think about the negative points... umm... HAHAHA..


Sep-27-2005 12:28

I really appreaciate the forgiveness hazelnini, and I probably annoy the heck out of others here...hehe! Oh well, I can't afford to worry about it cause it only produces wrinkles and gray hair..ha! Your reply made me smile..(*__*)

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