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Music to Sleuth To
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Luniar Arkain
Luniar Arkain

Aug-26-2005 19:10

When you Sleuth your ten (or maybe 20+) cases per day, what do you listen to?

Personally, I have phases. Lately, I've been listening to my Japanese stuffs. >> << Wild ARMs 3 OST (*worships*), The Best of Detective Conan, DDR music. It's strange.

But then sometimes, I dig out my Beatles (late Beatles are the best), Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Nicks, etc. albums. It's all good.



Aug-27-2005 18:10

they should add sound effects to the game

Luniar Arkain
Luniar Arkain

Aug-27-2005 19:06

I believe sound effects can be annoying after a while.

P. Rockwell
P. Rockwell

Aug-28-2005 17:16

Try this:

Reciepe to Freak Out!
1. Sleuth of coarse, but it must be the featured mysteries, so you do a lot of reading and thinking.
2. Late night around 1 or 2 am works great.
3. Silence and darkness. No tv, no extra lights, nothing.
4. And the music: Bela Bartok's "Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta." Its only about 27 minutes long, so very managable. I know no one owns it. But I'd guarante that the local college/university has a few copies. This isn't music written to sound scary (programatic) but it really gets the mind working.

If you really want to mess with your mind, replace step 4 with Steve Reich's "Come Out." Again ask your local University, they've got it somewhere. Its awsomely insane! Try it and you'll know what I mean! Its call "phasing" and... well information comes to those who want to know, eh?


Aug-28-2005 23:37

Oooh, you're right, did a little sample listening at amazon and Bartok's music does create an eery atmosphere - if I wasn't such a scaredy-cat, I might even get around to trying out that freak formula of yours :D

As it is I think I might start out trying Professor Woo's idea of getting further into the time period - that sounds really cool too :)


Aug-29-2005 00:06

Oopsy - not that Bartok's music isn't in line with getting into the time period - and there are indeed many interesting classical compositions from that time too :)

Jake Fenton
Jake Fenton

Aug-29-2005 05:38

P Rockwell, you sir, are a man of class.

I had to, like open the blues up and let some o' the blues blood come out to show them

Jake Fenton
Jake Fenton

Aug-29-2005 05:51

I myself am listening to JS Bach's partita number 1 in B Minor for solo violin.

P. Rockwell
P. Rockwell

Aug-30-2005 22:49

NO WAY! You guys rock for trying that! HAHAHA!

to show them
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