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There doesnt seem to be any way to complete hard cases for me.
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Ian Cameron
Ian Cameron

Aug-26-2005 01:46

The suspects,barring a few exceptions,-ALWAYS- refuse to talk after the FIRST QUESTION.

Which of course causes a problem since at absolute minimum you need to ask 2 questions,alibi and whether they know anyone else has a motive to commit the murder.

Even assuming you manage to pull off the interrogation/sweet talking for EVERY suspect that refuses to talk,you only get at most 2,occasionally 3 more questions,before you hit a brick wall and am not allowed to ask that suspect any more questions.

Then of course theres witnesses refusing to talk either.They follow same pattern.Barring some exceptions they -ALWAYS- refuse to talk after the first question,which more often than not is to check an alibi.Not to mention the way the physical evidence system works.

At most,you get 2 or 3 attempts to pick the guy associated with that physical evidence correctly.Thats assuming you suceed in the intimidation/bend rules roll.If you dont,guess are -FUCKED-.Why?Because now that physical evidence you just found is USELESS.

Lets assume you found a 2nd piece of different evidence.Same situation applies.If you dont pick the guy correctly,you are fucked.Since suspects apparently start bribing witnesses to lie for them on hard difficulty(how else do you explain that there is this mysterious footprint that doesnt match with ANY of the non-real alibie suspects....).

And bribing,while it always works,only works for ONE question only.So at most,you get 4 tries.If you are unlucky,you are fucked.

Back to suspects.Firstly lets -ASSUME- you are so lucky that every witness tells you whether hes heard anything about the case.Lets say 1 or 2 thinks they know who the murderer is.

Seeing as you asked them twice already,for alibie and other suspects,your chances of picking the right person to ask about is incredibly low,before they refuse to talk for all eternity.



Aug-26-2005 05:15

also, with only 300 exp points, you probably should still be doing easy cases anyway. There's no way you can do hard with that level of exp

Steve Long
Steve Long

Aug-26-2005 06:23

As you continue to play, you will find that each level of difficulty has a set number of suspects with no or fake alibis. So if you have 5 possibles, and find 3 with no alibis, by default the other two are ok. These numbers are random BTW. Therefore no reason to ask for one. Before you bribe a townie, make sure that you can't eliminate the suspect by process of elimination. Gradbeth is right, the how do you sleuth is great for finding ways that work for you.

Gena Long
Gena Long
Sleuth About Town

Aug-26-2005 08:02

That is a little confusing, I meant that the example numbers are random.


Aug-26-2005 08:14

As gradbeth points out, with only 300 skill points and being three days old, it is going to be a little difficult for you to do the Hard level. As you gain experience and skills you find the townies at that level will clam less often.

Also, in order to find hair and thread evidence at the scene consistantly, you need to have the basic thread and hair skills. If your case has two threads and you do not have the skill to find them, you will have a case with no evidence.

Also, have you ever thought of using to google to find the answers to your little jobs. I have yet to purchase anything besides my subscription unless it was a book recommended by a friend.


Aug-26-2005 08:43

frankley, Im not sure if you really want help or just want to tell everyone you think this game sucks. Your post has somewhat offensive character that doesnt seem to make me want to help.

But for now Im going to assume you are just fustrated and that is why you sound angry and use cursing (be carefull with those if you dont want to get your posts deleted, its a public forum).

A detective with your record still needs to learn a lot before he can do hard cases. You are 3 days old and has almost no equipment. I assume you also mis a lot of the basic skills.

All cases can be solved. but you need skills, the right outfit and contacts. to gain those you need to be patiance.
dont jump to hard right away just because you can open them. Go back to easy and work on your detective and strategy. If you need advice go look in newbie board. If you cant find it post a (friendly) messege and it will be answered very fast.

Or if you still think this game sucks just go away and let us enjoy it.


Aug-26-2005 10:29

Oh my god, after playing more then 3000 hard and above cases.....NOW someone tells me that the cases can not be solved?

I thought the whole time, that I was the only one that could not do it from the almost 12000 active agents.

OH-MY-GOD. I have been duped for almost 500 days.


Aug-26-2005 12:01

*points out that she is not always correct as she errored in saying that Ian has 300 skill points, when it should read experience points*

Luniar Arkain
Luniar Arkain

Aug-26-2005 13:00

Jstkdn, you don't need to show off. =P I believe people already worship your experience in this game. :D But I'll be up that high someday. You'll see. << >> You'll ALL see! *cackle*

And yes, I agree; 300 experience is pretty pre-mature for Hard cases. Remember to get all the analysis...eses, Ian.


Aug-26-2005 15:41

That's OK cfm, we knew what you meant.

Jake Fenton
Jake Fenton

Aug-29-2005 06:08

I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw some comedy in this thread, Jstkdn ;)

Hey, I've got 1530 exp now and I'm still doing Intermediate cases. I too hate giving up on exp and skill points, and 9 times out of 10 I get the right person at this level. I'm going to learn Advanced Sweet Talking and then have another crack at Hard.

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