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Agency Advertising Suggestion
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Luniar Arkain
Luniar Arkain

Aug-25-2005 19:49

Just another one of my ideas.

I glance at the detectives who bump and create multiple topics to advertise their agencies. In order to decrease duplicate topics (there shouldn't be more than one topic about an agency) for agency advertisement, I realized that a small space below each detective's posts--like a signature in most message boards--would be ideal for advertising space. Not much space, but basically, limited character space (300 characters?), a link to the agency of that detective, that detective's rank in the agency, and a bit of free space to write in. For example, all of my posts could end like:


Arkain Detective Agency -- Director
The Arkain Detective Agency was founded July 17th, 2005, delivering reasonable business with 3897 fame and 0 treasure(s) found. Looking for three detectives with at least 1500 experience and the ability to play daily.


Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Aug-27-2005 12:21

If a detective has any ambition, a few clicks wont hurt him/her. If a detective can't make a few clicks to find about "my" agency, then they pretty much are too lazy to help better "my" agency, like succeeding in treasure hunts, etc. So, I'm very happy with the way it is now :o)


Aug-27-2005 13:06

Heehee, Makensie, you know I'm a slave driver, right? Just ask anyone in Mojo. :) Bossy, mean expect blood as well as tears and sweat....

*laughs as she buries herself in cases mumbling to herself*...rotten townies...favors...hunts...


Aug-27-2005 17:03

*Scratches Mojo and behind closed doors off her list of agencies to join*


Luniar Arkain
Luniar Arkain

Aug-27-2005 17:42

Well, I guess I'm just desperate for useful detectives in my agency. With three daily detectives (out of the seven in my agency), it makes treasure hunts frustrating. And I feel TOO desperate to post a THIRD advertisement. >>


Aug-27-2005 21:48

i think its a good idea

P. Rockwell
P. Rockwell

Aug-27-2005 23:55

If it helps, I don't recruit on the message board. It doesn't work for me. (check out the last time Mojo's was bumped) Find a way that works for you and the style of your agency. So the board doesn't work for you, there are always more than one way to correctly play Sleuth :)
Keep at it, Luniar. You're way smart so I'll know you'll find a way to work it for you.

and cfm-your no slave driver. Now that old Mr. Mason though!!


Aug-28-2005 01:05


*she presses a finger to her lips*


Don't go telling everyone what a softy I am!

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