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Luniar Arkain
Luniar Arkain

Aug-19-2005 03:37

Just out of curiosity, has anyone discovered/owned a combination of equipment that would make a perfect outfit to resemble someone else? Or even just an outfit that would match, instead of having a combination like: a Sequined Flapper Dress, a Golden Turban, a Tommy Gun, and a Silver Handled Cane?

I discovered one last night. If anyone's familiar with Kaitou Kid (Phantom Thief) from Detective Conan (Case Closed), the way to replicate Kaitou is to have this combination, copyrighted by moi: White Zoot Jacket, Formal Top Hat, Silver Handled Cane, and Exquisite Monocle.

I know they don't go together in terms of statistics, but it would be a fantastic cosplay outfit. *would be willing to pay well over $40,000 for the Formal Top Hat alone*


Gena Long
Gena Long
Sleuth About Town

Sep-3-2005 07:17

I think that is a good idea Neritina.

Luniar Arkain
Luniar Arkain

Sep-4-2005 00:26

Well, I believe Ben wants every detective to be able to maximize their abilities, without the constraint of sexual boundaries. What if a new line of items revealed a +8 Charm dress that only women could use? People would start being urged to create women detectives. It's an OPEN-ENDED detective RPG, dear. :) Non-sexism.

P. Rockwell
P. Rockwell

Sep-4-2005 23:47

I think all this talk of outfits could be a very good contest. Bio/outfit contest. hmmmmm.....

Steve Long
Steve Long

Sep-5-2005 10:07

Luniar, I believe that if a new line revealed a +8 charm dress for women, a +8 item for men would be created as well. . .

Luniar Arkain
Luniar Arkain

Sep-5-2005 20:35

I second the contest idea.

Frankie Spade
Frankie Spade

May-24-2006 19:08

It 's so cool we have shoes.
I think it would be cool if you could get a like a whole faction set.
Like all clothes from LCN and as you got them and stuff, the clothes would get better- like the more LCN gear you have, the more attributes you get.

R Anstett
R Anstett

May-24-2006 19:28

Frankie do you mean that (using an example) the slippers would change from +1 smart +1 charm to something else such as +1 smart +2 charm when paired with specific gear?

Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

May-26-2006 05:33

I wish there were more pretty dresses and more hats!
Or, more location specifi clothes... a bikini for Fiji! Cuban cigars for Havana. A Mardi Gras costume for Rio.

"What, whaddya mean, there's not new cities?" ;)

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