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Learning English?
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P. Rockwell
P. Rockwell

Jun-30-2005 20:23

I'm trying to learn Italian. But since I'm from Potato Land, where we speak with as many grunts as we do nouns. So this semester while everyone has been learning Italian, I have been learning English. (Did anyone else not know that the Perfected Present is really in the past?)
So with all these non-native English speakers around I thought ya'll (3rd person plural-Italian Loro :) might enjoy some of these.



Aug-11-2005 10:20

Hey DaRu you said "The English Language didn't involve at any one time,but over thousands of years" R U sure?? Is that like when they say that man has INVOLVED to his environment?? Or are we meaning EVOLVED!? Sorry couldn't resist I must be somehow related to Det. SmartAss
I notice that because of the great use of slang english causes numerous learning problems.Sayings that are not universal create unspeakable problems like I am told in England you can suck or take a drag on a "fag" here you might want to call it a smoke or cigarette.


Aug-11-2005 16:33

Well as I smoke my dutch fag, which is not spiked by a dutch coffee shop of the non-Starbucks variety. As I sit here thinking in Dutch. Very tired. No dictionary at hand.

....I still understood that DaRu meant to say evolved instead of involved. Even though English is my second language.

I doubt you are related to Det. Smart Ass though. You don't look alike. hahah. Plus, as she is good personal friend of mine, when I was staying at her home, she never once corrected my english, or made fun if it. She is too nice and too polite to do so.


Aug-11-2005 17:34

DaRu, you mentioned that in Bahasa Indonesia they use the word pardigma. I speak a little bit Bahasa indonesia. (Malaysian is almost identical)
I can carry full conversation when A) it is about food, luckely 40% of all conversations, B) it is about a topic of things that were introduced during the Dutch rule.

Paradigma, as this is a dutch word. I am guessing was introduced by the dutch. Many (richer) Indonesian had their schooling in Holland itself, or from Dutch teachers.


Aug-11-2005 18:23

LOL Ichaban, I wasn't paying attention or at least didn't catch the mistake. Thankfully, jstkdn taught me how to cut, copy and paste so now I can type, spell check it, then hopefully not have so many errors...LOL. Thanks for bringing it to my attention though. If I could make corrections, believe you me, I'd go back and correct a lot of messages I've posted in the past...LOL. Thanks for the support jstkdn, you're the best!

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