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Jun-27-2005 11:25

I think it would be a neat new feature to be able to swap cases with other agents while in a field office. I'm not saying have storage or anything, but simply have 2 agents be on at the same time and both go into the office and have the option of "Swap Case with" and then choose a person who's also online and in the same field office...


Ace Citizen
Ace Citizen

Jul-8-2005 17:59

I'd love to be able to store a case or two in the Field Offices. That'd be handy!

P. Rockwell
P. Rockwell

Jul-9-2005 10:08

Defintely handy. I think it would be really fun if when you left a city that favor in that cuty was still ther. SO you could have 4 favors ready to go.

V Buster
V Buster
Old Shoe

Jul-10-2005 02:45

Guys, how easy do you want this to be? I personnaly like it as it is. In your home city you are comfortable, but on the road things are more difficult. And only 1 favour at a time, it's fun with the hunts taking time as they do at the moment, seeing multi-city hunts zoom by within an hour or so of being opened would not be a good thing.

River D
River D

Jul-10-2005 15:14

I fully support V Buster's comments and sentiment.

Morley Dotes
Morley Dotes

Jul-10-2005 20:24

I fully support River D's comment about supporting V Buster. I personally have had no problems traveling with gear that is +19 tough -1 smarts and -7 charm. I don't see why the perks would be needed. It would make the game too easy. There has to be a challenge or it gets real boring, real quick.


Jul-11-2005 02:47

I think that trading cases should be an option while on the road and it wouldn't make the game too easy. Then, you could store the new equipment that you buy there and wouldn't have to sell what you already have. I like swapping outfits, I find it more helpful, not easier. Plus, I am at a catch-22 where skill points are hard to get and I still need skills. Plus, my teammates and I like sharing equipment, we swap all the time. Why not make more use of the realestate offices in each city. I am a Double Agent and join the line twice. :P


Jul-11-2005 02:50

This would mean more work for Ben. :(


Jul-11-2005 14:10

I'm not asking to make the game unrealistically easy. But how many times would you meet up with a fellow agent in real life and just swap file folders. I didn't even really care tooo much about the locker as much as being able to get help from a fellow agent while on the road. So we don't get files or lockers, but couldn't we just swap cases with another agent who is online and in that same city? Like the idea I had for the pop-up "Greyling would like to swap cases with you. Do you accept?"

River D
River D

Jul-11-2005 14:36

Are you implying that both players must be holding a case for it to be possible for a swap to take place?


Jul-11-2005 15:32

Well, I suppose that even just handing over a case to another agent would work, but the other agent wouldn't be able to be in the middle of a favor or anything like that.

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