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How many Politics points can you lose overone nite???
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Jun-9-2005 04:30

Okay how about this yesterday I started the day @41 w/ the Triads after I solved last case 4 the day my standing was at 43 with the Triads. Then when the day changed I was dropped all the way to 37 w/ Triads =-6 overnite to me that seems like an excessive drop in standing w/Triads I have never had such a drop is this normal??Has it happened to you or have you lost more than that or is it that the game is picking on me???


Old Shoe

Jun-9-2005 09:37

yes Ive lost 6 in one day before wait till it happens 3 days in a row and you will see that the game makes sure you wont run away with control of a faction. The higher you are the more you lose enjoy


Jun-9-2005 18:31

I believe that 40 is that magic number for losing 6 points over night. The thirties are just -4. I'm not really sure where the cut off is before that though.

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