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Tough and Charm
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May-29-2005 13:04

A question for the most experienced silverbacks in the community. Ben made a point of improving judge of character plus adding gear that's good for both tough and charm - and I wonder how many folks actually use it and switch back and forth between intimidation and sweet talking in the same case. Does it really help, or is it just as smart to stick with one (charm vs tough) and not try to mix and match. Obviously you need to have several hundred skill points to build both sets so this is a question for the millionaires club.


V Buster
V Buster
Old Shoe

May-29-2005 20:26

*Clarification* Clam without answering any questions.


May-30-2005 03:35

I only switch when I talk to townies. Reason is that I bought adv. skills for them in both tough and charm right in the begining. I didnt know better then...
It is working very nice for me. If they clam its usually after 3/4 questions. If I had enough skills I would buy now the tough skills for suspects too. Dont do it too early though.

Lady Grey
Lady Grey

May-30-2005 07:58

I made that mistake with another detective. he is still limping around Delhi causing chaos.


May-30-2005 22:05

I switch back and forth on Ridiculous and AI cases. Yes, I can usually solve them with just my charm skills/equipment, but it really torques me off when someone clams up on me. I find switching can be especially helpful for same-sex suspects and townspeople.


May-31-2005 01:30

The main reason for me to get the tough skills was because of the ladies who don't take to charm - at AI smiling and whiffing perfume in their faces just didn't seem to be enough.

But when using judge of character to estimate whether toughness or charm will work best, I sometime can't help but wonder if maybe charm could have worked if I hadn't had the +35 that advanced interrogation gives? It's also one of the reasons I'm holding back on pugilism as it seems that could cut my flirting bonus in half, because it works on everyone.


May-31-2005 04:26

Thanks, everybody. This is very helpful!

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