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Could/should there be an easier way to get the contacts you want?
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May-29-2005 09:34

Sorry about this but I really need to vent my frustration on this subject and screaming into a pillow hasn't help nor has pulling the hair off my head - it only resulted in a mouth full of feathers and an oddly looking coiffure.

I just can't believe it has to be this hard to get the contacts one wants, and am beginning to wonder if there could be some way of making it easier??

I've currently quit around 50 favours for Non-PE-contacts in Shanghai - 20 in the past 7 days alone, and during those 7 days+ today was the FIRST day, the FIRST in over 7(!!) days, that the townsperson I'm looking for actually said yes to letting me do a favour for her, and what did I get?? Another HAT!!!!
I've been doing plenty of PE-favours as well as favours in others cities, so I just couldn't believe my eyes when she handed me that hat, I really was so sure this was going to be the day, but then again that's what I've been telling myself for days now only to be let down again and again and again.

I think it's okay that if one wants specific contacts, one will have to "suffer" a little bit, but I also think this is bordering on the ridiculous. Getting the necessary PE-contacts in the 3 new cities cost around 1/3 of what I've been quitting to get this one particular non-PE.
I could of course give in, but that would also mean having quit all those favours for nothing as well as a total waste of the exp., agency bonus, and money that I've had to turn my back on.

I'm not sure if a way around this could be created, but am wondering if maybe it would be possible to turn down an offer from a townsperson of becoming one's contact. That way, one would still lose out on the money, but wouldn't be hurting one's agency the way I've been doing when turning down favour offers from townies we've needed for hunt?? - just a suggestion from a desperate player.



May-31-2005 14:31

Yeah its probably all random or something. Back in new york before the new cities came into play, I had a basic music teacher contact. It took like 2 months and around 400,000+exp or something to get an evidence contact. Cities of mystery come out. London was the cheapest so I travel there. After doing I think it was 2 cases for a favor, I get a tea merchant. I do the favor and get the contact. My first favor and a contact. I'm around 550,000+ experience now. last monday I FINALLY got my eighth final contact. A shanghai calligraphist. I was kinda happy it was not a shoe maker. I mean I dont have footprint analysis but I am like a footprint master. I have new york shoe maker, and London/Delhi Podiatrists. So I definitely know a lot about footprints.

Lady Grey
Lady Grey

May-31-2005 17:14

I think you are channeling a past life ShadyCharacter. You are only 8 days old with a couple of hundred experience.


May-31-2005 18:00

lol. Well.....HE is shady afterall. It could be one of his tricks and he could be trying to get money. lol.

Anyways though for me its a similar story. I know for a long time all I had was a music teacher. Then after like 3 months or something like that I had around maybe somewhere around 300 thousand to 400 thousand and then finally got my new york evidence contact. When I traveled to london I did 2 cases as well and when I got a favor I did it instantly and right off the bat I got a contact. Though I finally have all 8 of my contacts. Took a while but I have done it.


Jun-1-2005 00:52

hmmm Kidgame me thinks your story is a little bit too similar to "ShadyCharacter"!!!
maybe you forgot to change clothes before posting *LOL*, same exp as he describes AND contacts, coincidence? i don't think so!!!!


Jun-1-2005 16:04

I'm with Tyrone - I have 2 contacts and shockingly little experience for my age.


Jun-2-2005 14:02

how many contacts can u get per city?

The Mad One
The Mad One

Jun-2-2005 14:15

jasus: 2 contacts per city. One evidence contact and one non evidence contact.


Jun-2-2005 14:17

Thanx...i didnt know that 1 is always evidence contact and the other is

Remington Steel
Remington Steel
Con Artist

Jun-3-2005 23:46

It occurred to me that, since I had Flirting, I would do better to hope for men as contacts, since the women were a bit more forgiving in the face of my questions...

But then, after battling for any contact, I stopped being picky!


Jun-4-2005 13:14

Remington Steel and the mad one....those are names I haven't seen around for a while on the message boards. Am I wrong? Ever since Bryola left, I wanted to ask the mad one to be the new math wiz in sleuth. :) I actually had to buy a calculator. :)

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