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Why did you pick your detective name?
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May-26-2005 05:26
(sticky post)

Some of us have interesting reasons to pick a detective name. What is yours?

jstkdn which some people don't realize right away stands for JuST KiDding! It is something I tend to say a lot in real life after a lot of sentences. A good friend of mine in the US had jstkdn as a license plate of her car, so I wasn't that inventive myself.

My previous other agent was PM, which stands for Project/Program Manager, my profession in real life.

My only detective that I currently play with is freelancermountaineer. Only because Freelancer was taken. Sidney Bristow in the Alias series uses two call signs freelancer and mountaineer.


Sevastopol O'Halibut
Sevastopol O'Halibut

Jul-3-2007 13:26

Hmm... I've been asked to try to explain my detective name, which could be tricky! I came up with it as a suggestion when some friends and I started writing a collaborative online thriller by taking turns posting chapters a couple of years ago. Unfortunately it was rejected in favour of something which made the protagonist seem a little less bonkers, which I can't quite remember now. Anyway, I was glad of the opportunity to resurrect it, so am quite keen to avoid losing my licence!

I really like Sevastopol as a first name. I can't explain the surname, except that it has a nice-sounding number of syllables and popped into my head for some bizarre reason. If I need a second detective I might have to resort to Lawrence Block for some assistance...

Gracie Lou
Gracie Lou
Assistant Librarian

Jul-3-2007 16:50

It's a good name ... rolls off the tongue :)
(betcha can't say it 5 times real fast!)

chris schuster
chris schuster

Jul-4-2007 13:12

I was just picking a random name (this picture since i'm still young)

Yoji Harada
Yoji Harada

Jul-9-2007 13:24

Guess where i got my name?

Its one of the char of MIAMI INK. The odd looking Japanese apprentice of Ami. Lol me >.<


Jul-9-2007 19:23

Friends gave me a nickname.

Henry Walker
Henry Walker

Jul-10-2007 19:16

I chose my name because I enjoy writng mystery stories and my detective's name is Henry Walker. Iwanted to create a hot British guy. I have another detective, PJ Kibble. I chose that because...I was new and didn't know I would be hooked

Lacrymosa Songlei
Lacrymosa Songlei

Jul-12-2007 05:15

Lacrymosa was the name of my character in the online RPG Everquest. I chose it because I liked the song by Mozart, and it made a nice original name.

I added Songlei when I had to add a last name to my character (with the same name) in EQII. I asked a friend for possible vietnamese words I could use. I wanted something that meant "rebirth" or "revived" since this was a reincarnation of the original Lacrymosa character. My friend came up with Song Lai, which I eventually misspelled as Songlei.

Since then, I have continued to use the name Lacrymosa Songlei, because it is the only semi-original name I have ever come up with. The only downside is that all my characters have to be female, whereas I am definetely male.

Kathryn Gumshoe the 7th
Kathryn Gumshoe the 7th
Battered Shoe

Jul-13-2007 23:42

Kathryn because it's my middle name (I think it sounds way better than my first name) Gumshoe for obvious reasons, and I don't really know why I picked 7th, it just sort of popped in my head...

Demon of the Due Date

Jul-15-2007 20:25

I cant believe I never saw this thread before. What a great idea.

Anyhoo, the background of my name, which most people think ctown is Chicago.

ctown is the name that sports talk radio host Jim Rome uses to refer to Cleveland, Ohio (my hometown).

As far as where the 28 comes in, when I first created the screename in another online game I was 28 years old at the time and didn't think just ctown would have registered. I am still the only ctown in that game and have used it in other games as well but keep the 28 to remind me of how long I've been an online gaming geek!! ;-) For what it's worht I'm 35 now

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

Jul-16-2007 05:50

My name came from me messing about with my usual nick on the net, Brasco, which is sort of a shorthened version of my real surname, and comes from the film Donnie Brasco. I used to mess around with this name on MSn changinf it to all sorts of variations. I added "De Gama" after a South American Football/Soccer team that was in the World Club Championship Final "Vasco da Gama" who in turn are named after a Portuguese explorer. Naturally, out of my ignorance, I ballsed up the spelling, but if I don't say anything, very few people will spot it..... oh

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